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Its taxonomic position, as understood by various authors, was very obscure—from a mere section in Chenopodium to the sole genus of a separate family Dysphaniaceae—but its close affinity to "glandular" species of Chenopodium s.l.

它的分类的位置,象由各种各样的作者理解的那样,很不明显——从Chenopodium的仅一个组到单独属的科Dysphaniaceae——但它很明显与具&腺&的种Chenopodium s.l。

The major secondary metabolic products of all Chinese Cladonia species were determined by mean of thin-layer chromatography . Nineteen lichen substances are reported and the combination of these substances is used as one of the taxonomic characters.


Taxonomic studies on the Cornaceae of Zhejiang.


This phenomenon warrants further study. 4. Phylogeny study on Croomia and Stemona The relationship of the genus and the taxonomic placement of Stemonaceae The phylogenetic tree of matK, trnL-F, atpB-rbcL and ITS sequences data indicated that it was natural to place Stemona and Croomia in one family.


Using nuclear DNA C-values for 539 angiosperms in China, we examined the variation of these values among growth forms and taxonomic groups and the relationship of these values with invasiveness. Mean DNA C-value of the 539 angiosperm species was 4.06 pg. Mean DNA C-value was(1) significantly lower for woody species (1.84 pg) than for herbaceous species(5.02 pg);(2) significantly lower for 360 dicots (2.20 pg) than for 179 monocots (7.80 pg);(3) significantly lower for annuals (2.78 pg) than for perennials(6.65 pg);(4) significantly lower for 134 weed species (1.93 pg) than for herbaceous non-weeds (6.75 pg) and for several families that have an unusually high proportion of weed species;(5) significantly lower for 47 exotic weed species (1.76 pg) than for 134 native weeds (1.93 pg), but significantly lower than that of "non-weedy" herbaceous species (6.75 pg);(6) lower for weeds than for "non-weedy" species in same genus or family; and (7) in herbaceous species, generally lower for weedy compared to "non-weedy" species, with some exceptions such as Avena fatua, whose DNA C-value is as high as 14.15 pg, contrarily, and some "non-weedy" herbaceous species in Cruciferae and Cucurbitaceae with very low values.

统计了中国境内有分布的539种被子植物的DNA C-值,分析了它们在不同分类群、生活型、倍性、生活史类型以及在杂草和非杂草类群中的分布情况,主要结果如下:(1)539种被子植物DNA C-值平均为4.06 pg,其中木本植物的DNA C-值平均为1.84 pg,低于草本植物的平均值(5.02 pg);(2)双子叶植物(360种)的DNA C-值平均为2.20 pg,极明显地小于单子叶植物(179种)的平均值(7.80 pg);(3)1年生植物的DNA C-值平均为2.78 pg,明显小于多年植物的平均DNA C-值(6.65 pg);(4)134种杂草的DNA C-值平均为1.93 pg,明显小于非杂草草本植物的平均值(6.75 pg),含杂草较多的科,平均DNA C-值相对较小;(5)统计的47种入侵杂草的DNA C-值平均为1.76 pg,略小于134种杂草的平均DNA C-值(1.93 pg),极显著地小于非杂草性草本植物(6.75 pg);(6)以科为单位,不同科的DNA C-值存在着极大的差异;(7)DNA C-值与染色体倍性的关系并不明显,但是,随着倍性的增加,基因组变小;(8)在同一科、属中,与非杂草相比,典型杂草的DNA C-值往往偏小;(9)总体上杂草或杂草性强的植物,它们的DNA C-值比非杂草性植物的要小。

Finally, authors discussed the taxonomic identification of three species of Cuscuta.


Keywords: Dipterocarpaceae; Phylogeny; Evolution; New taxonomic system; Systematic arrangement; Geographic distribution


Vegetation types in mountainous area of West Lake4 groups of vegetation type, 7 vegetation types, 14 formation groups and 25 formations were present in mountainous area of West Lake, according to taxonomic approach and divisory principle in Vegetation of China and Forest of Zhejiang.


The monotypic genus Macrovalsaria previously of uncertain taxonomic position turns out to be a member of Botryosphaeriales and seems to be related to Botryosphaeria. The placement of Neopeckia and of Dothidotthia is in Dothideales and Botryosphaeriales, respectively. The genera Plowrightia and Botryosphaeria as currently defined are not monophyletic. Species of Plowrightia appear to be associated with three genera, Dothidea, Neopeckia and Sydowia; those of Botryosphaeria tested are recognized as three groups.


Objective To observe the tegumental ultrastructure of egg,cercariae and the adults of Echinostoma Miyagawai may provide information for its taxonomic studies and its biological characteristic.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
