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与 tat 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

TAT Group, aiming to build on its purchase of Sabena Technics in 2005, emerged as a likely acquisitor in a complex arrangement that will see ownership of the unit gradually transferred as it restructures.

达集团,以巩固其在购买雨中工艺, 2005年成为一个采集可能是一个复杂的安排会见到所有权股逐渐转移,因为它转型的。

I felt so cold on tat day, bcos of the air-con and the weather.....


However, two feet of my childhood, just is in what the real pay shoe lining of rat-tat of this kind of hard rat-tat is brought up.


Of rat-tat of a pair of hard rat-tat, knock go up should become phonic real pay shoe calculates make it.


Make get numerous head soft, had impression, it is clear to understand even, otherwise of brain or hard rat-tat rat-tat, from thought affection proceed with permeates reader affection in, bate his inimical psychology.


Rat-tat, rat-tat...the drums resound through the whole tent, which attract all attention.


The croaked Black Metal narrative is carried on the shields of the twin guitar attack, I抎 point to early SETH for how they sound, there is the warmth in tone on one of the guitars, something that the French band employed, however the other guitar is more incisive and has that touch of ice. There is an audible bass which provides some depth for the trebly guitars to race above and there is some fine clatter-tat-tat blasting from the skins department. Tracks like 揊rom My Throne OF Winter?are a cavalry charge into the soft flank of the enemy, the pace letting up from time to time as they breach a line of defence. All of the Metal tracks on the album benefit from this mix of breakneck speed and more mid paced sections. The production is typically lo-fi but as usual that is part of the appeal, there is no point recounting tales of past Pagan glories if you have a crisp digital production to spoil the ambience.The 揚rologue?and 揈pilogue?

而最吸引耳朵的还是尖叫部分,而且我敢打赌你以前从未在碾核音乐里听过这种嗓音,但我很难用合适的语言给你形容出来那究竟是怎样一种动静,粗略一点说它就像是受到惊吓的女人所发出的尖利声音,这样一来可能会让大家把他们和INTESTINAL DISGORGE混淆,那么再补充一句,主唱发出的声音并不是一个单音,那样未免就太枯燥无味了,而是有着跳跃性的节奏,我的能力只能形容到此,具体还要大家自己去体会了,而最令人不可思议的是主唱一人包揽了这两种唱腔,而这两种嗓音之间就像是天与地的差别,如果可能的话我还真想研究一下这位仁兄嗓子的构造。

If you spend time in the woods of Montana, you are undoubtedly familiar with the rhythmic rat-tat-tat of the woodpecker as it chisels its beak into the bark of a tree.


The fireworks can continue well into the night, and the cacophony of explosions-the machine-gun rat-tat-tat of firecrackers, the mortar-like shriek of rockets, the concussive thuds of aerial shells-can make the city feel like a war zone.


The fireworks can continue well into the night, and the cacophony of explosions-the machine-gun rat-tat-tat of firecrackers, the mortar-like shriek of rockets, the concussive thuds of aerial shells-can make the city feel like a war zone.


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Tit 4 Tat
Rat A Tat
Tat It Up
Tată (Father - Romanian Version)
Tit For Tat
Stone Cold Coup D'état
White Trash Wit Tat-2's

I urge any American living outside the country to get an early start checking his/her registration and receiving an absentee ballot, because it can take a while.


He is too young to join the army.


Over time Winfrey has made the contents of the show more sophisticated and sympathetic, moving away from its sensationalist beginnings to an exploration of spirituality and community which has proved popular particularly with women.
