查询词典 target braking
- 与 target braking 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
E-mail: The professional person will utilize the sound database to send the email and SMS to the target exhibitors at tontine time.
The eyes are brought into fixation alignment by a complex serise of vergence movements ;tonic vergence due to tonus of extraocular muscles ,accommodative vergence due to changes in accommodation ,fusional vergence due to the action of normal fusion reflexes ;proximal vergence due to awareness of nearness of the target.
3聚散运动的多重复杂因素参与对注视眼位的控制,包括 a。眼外肌的张力引起的张力性聚散; b。调节机能诱发相应的调节性聚散; c。正常的融像反射诱发的融像性聚散; d。近目标诱发的近感知性聚散。
Our target is to be at the top four at the end of the championship'.
The algorithm of small target detection based on morphology Top-Hat is given.
引 言众所周知,红外弱小目标的检测问题是精确制导、光电子领域中的一个重要问题。
A novel method that makes use of rough set theory to detect moving small target with low SNR in infrared image sequences is presented. First, Morphology Top-Hat operator is used to separate candidate small targets and extract their attributes.
Toward detection of feeble moving infrared spot target, improved Top-Hat morphological filtering operator is presented based on improved genetic algorithms.
This would signal another topside move that would target 2.0977 as the next interim high if it could be taken.
These kinases indirectly modulate CREB target gene transcription and expression by affecting TORC phosphorylation and their subsequent distribution between nucleus and cytoplasm.
Trauma and fear combine to prevent the target from being able to find the right words to identify, unmask and call to account their tormentor contact us for a list of phrases and strategies
Publish recently " fetch of flower of coastal areas and territorial seas -- the Deng Shichang in remembering Jia Wuhai fight and send Yuan Jian " Chen Mingfu of professor of college of naval ships of navy of the author of one book, Dalian says:"' send far ' naval vessel is be hit the target at the same time by several shrapnel of day naval vessel waterline, cause a torpedo inside the torpedo tube explodes and bring about sunken."
- 相关中文对照歌词
- The Crazy Girl
- Easy Target
- Moving Target
- Slow
- Target
- Literal Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
- Bullet And A Target
- Hurricane
- Resurrection
- Bullet And A Target
- 推荐网络例句
The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!
LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.
It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.