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与 tank suit 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Four herds with uncertain typing results for BLAD test, two were extracted from fresh tank milk and the other two were from used DHI samples. The somatic cell counts were 118、200、209、940 103/ml, respectively.

四个场的资料无法清楚的判读 BLAD结果,其中两场为直接采样的新鲜总乳余两场为DHI乳品质检测过的总乳,体细胞数分别为 11.8、20.0、20.9、94.0万/毫升。

A genetic test screened DNA mixes of tank milk from 72 DHI herds. Results showed 65 herds had at least one cow carrying BLAD(bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency) defect gene but none of 72 herds had any DUMPS (deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase syndrome) carriers found.

遗传检测72个参加DHI牧场的总乳混合DNA,发现有65 场中仍至少有一头母牛带有淋巴球黏力缺失症(bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency, BLAD基因,但没有发现任何牧场有杂合型的单谱症(Deficiency of Uridine Monophosphate Synthase, DUMPS)泌乳牛。

A fish tank was set into the wall, and a blandly pretty blond receptionist sat behind the desk.


Gaseous nitrogen is used in the chemical and petroleum industries for storage tank blanketing and vessel inerting applications.


Tonight I'll soak it in PB Blaster and work on sealing my new gas tank instead.


The gas tank, headlight, and blinkers were all made smaller.


Instead of an open battlefield Blitzkrieg, it was going to be a direct charge on dense anti-tank defenses.


The MAS36 CR39, a MAS 36 with foldable stock specially designed for airborne troops was never put into service before the armistice. Seven Boys anti-tank rifles were also already used in the Corps Francs in 1939. The 37mm infantry guns and HMGs are launched in separate containers in the bomb bay of the planes but the small arms are attached to the men during the drop.

专门为空降部队开发的MAS 36 CR39(MAS36的折叠枪托型)在停战前未能装备部队。1939年,空降部队已经装备了7挺伯义斯反坦克步枪。37毫米炮与重机枪都是装箱后放入飞机的炸弹舱内空投,轻武器则由伞兵随身携带跳伞。

In a report this month for Reform, a think-tank, Nick Bosanquet, professor of health policy at Imperial College, said Britain was building more new large hospitals than all the other G7 countries put together.

在报告这个月为改革,智囊团, Nick Bosanquet,卫生政策教授在皇家学院,前述不列颠修造更新的大医院比所有其它G7 国家被汇集。

But the bow section would not sink fast enough, due to its own buoyancy and the narrow clearance between it and the tank.


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Party Like A Thug
Tailor Made Suit
Birthday Suit
Birthday Suit
All In The Suit That You Wear
Move Like A Soldier
Tank Full Of Blues
Birthday Suit
Monkey Suit

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
