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take a hand in相关的网络例句

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与 take a hand in 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Breathe deeply:" I touch my middle finger and thumb together on each hand to signal to myself that I should stop what I'm doing and take a deep, cleansing breath," says Sharon Wren, a mom of two in East Moline, Illinois.

做深呼吸:"我会将中指和拇指接触来告诉自己我应该停止正在从事的活动并进行一次深深的、纯洁化的呼吸"来自伊利诺州East Moline两个孩子的母亲说。

Like a fine wine sniffer, she would pulverize the manure in her hand, take a whiff, and proclaim our fertilizer no good.


Measure character: Frequency limits: CH1:dResolution of C ~ 225MHz frequency: 10 / second time-interval resolution : N/A measures speed: Can amount to 200 times measure / the second mixes in limits of the voltage on GPIB sensitivity : DC ~ 100MHz: 200MHz of ~ of 5Vac+dc 100MHz of 20mVrms ~±: 225MHz of ~ of 5Vac+dc 200MHz of 30mVrms ~±: Input of 5Vac+dc of 40mVrms ~± adjusts:(CH1 chooses) impedance, coupling: 1M Ω or 50 Ω, ac or Dc are low connect filter: 100kHz, but switch attenuation:× 1 or reference of × 10 exterior time base inputs: 1, 5, 10MHz sparks: CH1, to rising / drop the edge sparks, the percentage that uses signal n or absolutely voltage install n, setting sensitivity mixes to low, medium or tall gate start: Automatic, the hand is moved (setting gate time or resolution digit); Exterior, defer interface: Standard GP-IB(IEEE 488.1 and 488.2), take; of SCPI compatible language to say RS-232 power source only: 10 % of 100-120VAC ±, 50, 60 or 10 % of 400Hz ± 10 % of 220-240VAC ±, 50 or 10 % of 60Hz ± are suttle: 3kg dimension: 348.3mm of × of 212.6 × 88.5H

测量特征:频率规模:CH1:dc~225MHz 频率分辨率:10位/秒时候距离分辨率:N/A 测量速度:可达200次测量/秒在GPIB上电压规模和灵敏度: DC~100MHz: 20mVrms~±5Vac+dc 100MHz~200MHz:30mVrms~±5Vac+dc 200MHz~225MHz:40mVrms~±5Vac+dc 输入调节:(CH1选择)阻抗,耦合: 1MΩ或50Ω,ac或dc 低通滤波器: 100kHz,可切换衰减:×1或×10 外部时基参考输入: 1,5,10MHz 触发: CH1,对回升/回升沿触发,用信号电平的百分数或相对电压设置电平,设置灵敏度至低、中或高闸门和启动:主动,手动(设置闸门时候或分辨率位数);外部,延迟接口:尺度GP-IB(IEEE 488.1和488.2),带SCPI兼容说话;只讲RS-232 电源:100-120VAC±10%,50,60或400Hz±10% 220-240VAC±10%,50或60Hz±10%净重:3kg 尺寸:212.6×88.5×348.3mm

It is a good idea to take a whip or stick in each hand, holding them vertically. It is then easy to see by any movement how steady the hands are.


In the absence of such counter-evidence, China may have to take a firm hand with North Korea, shifting the balance of power in what many regard as the world's most alarming stand-off.


On the other hand, it may be urged that, as Baptism did not take the place of sacrifices in any other instance, it would be difficult account for the origin of such a rite in connection with the admission of proselytes.

另一方面,它可能会敦促,作为洗礼并没有取代牺牲,任何其他例如,将难以帐户的起源这样一个礼仪方面的接纳proselytes 。

Cervical mucus, semen consistency pilot test of time in the prediction of ovulation election period, a drop of glass on the first and fresh semen, cervical mucus and then take a drop of semen on the next, distance 2,3 mm, not to coverslip pressure to hand light light rock slide, so that two drops of liquid close to each other, under the microscope to observe sperm penetration capacity, such as the sperm can move through the mucus and to continue to run that sperm motility and cervical mucus of the characters are normal, mucus-free anti - sperm antibodies.


Ear, is to "take the Ju Tori, the leisurely to see the mountain" in elegant verse; eyes, a hand hoe in the garden of human walking among the flowers, that is Tao is "not to bow to reality," the Tao Yuan-ming.


But, either out of shame or reverence, he dared not speak of his desire to St Francis, to whom nevertheless it was revealed by the Holy Ghost; whereupon he called the brother to him, and bade him bring him wherewithal to write, and with his own hand he wrote a verse in honour of Christ, drawing at the foot thereof the sign of a cross Tau: and according to Brother Leo's desire, he gave it to him, saying, Take this writing, dearest brother, and keep it most diligently till the day of thy death.


After Aiyesi once had the chef of tremendous fame this to go to take up office in san Francisco area, not only boil of a dab hand gives a another delicate cate, and turn Google into the lunch famous scenic spot with whole the hottest Silicon Valley.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
