英语人>网络例句>switch in 相关的网络例句
switch in相关的网络例句

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与 switch in 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then the author respectively introduces the structure of the switch,dielectric,status quo of research,insulation,electrode materials and mechanism of laser-triggered surface flashover switch developed in recent years.


It restricted system state in the switch surface by the selection of switch surface and approximation law without accurate system model,and forced the state reach the origin eventually.


Based on the wheel/rail multi-point contact in turnout zone, a dynamic design theory for high-speed railway turnout was established and several creative designs were made, such as separated semi-tangent switch plane linetype, horizontal hidden nose structure of turnout frog, short transitional top surface figure of the switch rail, and track stiffness of turnout with even elasticity.


A simulation research is conducted on the example of six-phase double star winding shifted by 30°synchronous motor.In order to investigate the control algorithm of multilevel inverter , high harmonics as well as its problems, a mathematical model of the control algorithm based on the voltage space vector is built. For the first time, the principle along boundary is introduced to confirm the chosen switch state when many switch states are corresponding to the same vector. Simulation analysis and hardware realization are conducted with the combination of diode clamped three-level inverter and five-level inverter.


For example, we often see in hotel and hostel bathroom dryer, initially the product designer is more square-shaped form, and the use of touch-switch operation, the design of a small switch.


For protecting the switch spring against overloading, into the lever mechanism is integrated a buffer or shock absorber, which is elastically flexible above a limit force associated with the operating force of the switch spring in the switching point and below the limit force is substantially rigid.


Touch relays in the limit switch Rams Head, and measuring the 电笔 into the fire point have to measure its output point eletroless, the limit switch damaged ended no signal voltage circuits to post.


This paper focuses on the implement of Internet Protocol quality of service based on certain packet switch processor in a layer 3 switch.


Boats which have a selector switch are usually set up in such a way that the source for the house system can be selected via the switch.


In Yongliaoshang, to switch to butter or margarine Health vegetable oil, butter use fake butter switch to liquid milk cheese, lettuce salad is not Ma Secretary fewer Division, not canned fruit and fruit with fresh fruit, change broth soup; so much meat with a low-fat and low-cholesterol beef and water ostrich meat.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
