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与 surely 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Those who believe in capital punishment may have arguments for its retention, but surely no reasonable argument can be found for retention of the sickening mumbo-jumbo that accompanies it from the moment that the judge dons the black cap with what looks like a pen-wiper balanced on the top of his wig, to the reading of the burial service over the condemned man before he is dead."


"Those who believe in capital punishment may have arguments for its retention, but surely no reasonable argument can be found for retention of the sickening mumbo-jumbo that accompanies it from the moment that the judge dons the black cap with what looks like a pen-wiper balanced on the top of his wig, to the reading of the burial service over the condemn ed man before he is dead."


"Those who believe in capital punishment may have argument s for its retention, but surely no reasonable argument can be found for retention of the sickening mumbo-jumbo that accompanies it from the moment that the judge dons the black cap with what looks like a pen-wiper balanced on the top of his wig, to the reading of the burial service over the condemned man before he is dead."


Japanese mailer be in early 1984, sort thing the service to introduce shipping group, it is its strategy goal surely " the group carrier that integrated content sheds a service "(r of e of i of r of r of a of MEGAC of s of c of i of t of s of i of L og ).


Indeed there is a closer connection between Ingres's Napoleon and Antoine-Franois Callet's 1789 portrait of Louis XVI—in velvet, silver slippers and powdered perruque , it surely represents the last gasp before the revolution—than between the two versions of Napoleon that were painted only six years apart.

事实上,虽然两幅拿破仑肖像之间只相差六年,比起达维特的作品,安格尔的拿破仑画像更近似于安东尼-弗朗西斯·迦莱特(Antoine-Franois Callet)于1789年所作的路易十六的肖像。画中路易十六身穿天鹅绒礼服,银丝软鞋,戴着扑粉的假发,在革命到来之前作着最后的残喘。

Surely there is nothing in the canaille to recommend it to your aesthetic soul.


He said: We assume that a proposition is absolutely imitate the natural person who, when he see the "Cantar de Mio Cid" and the performances will surely ask:"how?"

他说: 我们假设一个主张绝对摹仿自然的人,当他看到《熙德》的演出时一定会问:怎么?

If you have better lucrative ideas, you can surely capitalize on them.


These two factors will surely captivate you into playing more games.


I mean, surely you're going to make good on this cassette player. It's ... it's ... it's a good cassette player, but it's just defective.


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King Harvest (Has Surely Come)
Surely God Is Able
Surely We Can Change
Slowly But Surely
Slowly But Surely
Surely As The Sun
Surely Goodness
Surely I Love You
Slowly Surely

In this section we look at the theory behind the techniques used in rotary polishing and the effects that they have on paintwork and the results achieved.


I'll dig like a psychotic rodent if I have to.


In this paper, GIS is adopted to analyze the long-time series of ecological feature of Ommastrephes Bartrami and the relationship between Ommastrephes Bartrami fishery and oceanic environment factors in North West Pacific, based on the North West Pacific Ommastrephes Bartrami database.
