英语人>网络例句>supersaturated 相关的网络例句

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与 supersaturated 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Decomposition of supersaturated sodium aluminate solution is one of the most important procedures in the production of alumina.


The results show: the strongest bond is the Al-Al bond in the segregated cell without containing vacancy, where the Al atomic covalence radius is greater than that of Li atom in the cell; while the strongest bond is the Al-Li bond in the segregated cell containing vacancy, and the Al atomic covalence radius in the cell is less than that of Li atom. Since the difference of electronagativity between the Al and Li atoms is obvious, it is inclined to formed the Al-Li segregated cell of short range order structure in the condition of vacancy present. The short range order structure containing vacancy is probably the embryo or precursor structure of the metastable phase δ′(Al3Li). Because the strongest covalent bond in the Al-Li-vacancy segregated cell in alloy formed in quenching is the main strength reason for supersaturated solid solution of alloy. The bond net of succeeding precipitation of δ′(Al3Li) has the picture of anisotropic Al-Al bonding and the bond intensity enhanced. Since the δ′(Al3Li) is coherence with matrix, the bond net strength is enhanced by the precipitation of δ′(Al3Li) and so strengthen the alloy.

计算结果表明:不包含空位的偏聚晶胞的键络最强键为Al—Al键,其中Al原子的共价半径较Li原子的共价半径要大;而含空位的偏聚晶胞的最强键为Al—Li键, Al原子的共价半径要比Li原子的共价半径要小;在空位存在的情况下,由于Al原子与Li原子的电负性相差明显,促使Al和Li原子结合,倾向形成Al-Li短程序结构偏聚区,这种含空位的短程序结构很可能就是δ′(Al3Li)亚稳相的前兆结构和生长胚胎;由于Al-Li-空位有序偏聚晶胞的Al—Li键络比基体键络要强许多,因此,淬火过程中合金生成的Al-Li-空位偏聚晶胞对合金过饱和固溶体起主要强化作用;后续析出的δ′(Al3Li)亚稳相键络各项异性显著,键络强度明显提高;由于Al3Li与基体共格,其大量均匀弥散析出起到提升基体整体键络强度,同样对合金产生强化作用。

The results show: the strongest bond is the Al-Al bond in the segregated cell without containing vacancy, where the Al atomic covalence radius is greater than that of Li atom in the cell; while the strongest bond is the Al-Li bond in the segregated cell containing vacancy, and the Al atomic covalence radius in the cell is less than that of Li atom. Since the difference of electronagativity between the Al and Li atoms is obvious, it is inclined to formed the Al-Li segregated cell of short range order structure in the condition of vacancy present. The short range order structure containing vacancy is probably the embryo or precursor structure of the metastable phase δ'(Al3Li). Because the strongest covalent bond in the Al-Li-vacancy segregated cell in alloy formed in quenching is the main strength reason for supersaturated solid solution of alloy. The bond net of succeeding precipitation of δ'(Al3Li) has the picture of anisotropic Al-Al bonding and the bond intensity enhanced. Since the δ'(Al3Li) is coherence with matrix, the bond net strength is enhanced by the precipitation of δ'(Al3Li) and so strengthen the alloy.


It was rev ealed that:cuprite,malachite and tenorite are the three main kinds of copper-bea ring minerals which would be supersaturated when Cu concentration in the solutio n is high enough(higher than 0.0016 mol/L,0.0079 mol/L separately) under the stu dy conditions.Copper exists in the solution mainly as the species of CuCO3 ,Cu2+ and CuOH+.The corresponding content of CuCO3 would be decrea sed following the deposition of the copper-bearing minerals,nevertheless,Cu2 + and CuOH+ would be increased.

模拟结果表明,在土壤中常见的E h和pH及研究区的年平均温度条件下,溶液中铜离子的含量达到一定的浓度时,可以生成赤铜矿(当Cu≈00016 mol/L)、孔雀石及黑铜矿(当Cu≈0 0079mol/L)等次生矿物,溶液中Cu的存在形式也发生了变化,即CuCO3所占的比例不断减小,而Cu2+和CuO H+的含量则相继增高,且Cu2+的增幅大于CuOH+。

In this article, the nucleation process of hexadecly hydrogen maleate crystals in supersaturated solution were studied and toluene was used as dissolvent.


Equiareal ZnO naorods with high orientation and a high aspect ratio on ZnO-coated seed substrates were fabricated from the Zn(NO3)2/NaOH supersaturated solutions; the mechanisms without and with electrical field were discussed based on the phase stability diagram for solid ZnO and the oxidation of OHˉ.


Factors affecting cholesterol monohydrate crystal nucleation time in model systems of supersaturated bile.


E and Sirus red in supersaturated picric acid solution;the amount of HA in serum was measured with the method of radiative immunity;the quantitative expression of fibrosis factor—TGF、PDGF was measured with the method of immunity histochemistry.Results:Myocardial collagen in model group increased obviously compared with normal group from the results of electron microscope、H.E、Sirus red in supersaturated picric acid solution.


Methods:Establish the model of myocardial fibrosis in chronic stage of viral myocarditis by injecting CVB3 into Balb/c rats,divide these rats into model group、Tong xin luo low dose group、Tong xin luo medium dose group、Tong xin luo high dose group and set up normal group,after four weeks of giving medicine execute the animals and observe the ultrastructure of myocardial cell with tramission electron microscope,the quantity of myocardial collagen was observed by staining with H.E and Sirus red in supersaturated picric acid solution;the amount of HA in serum was measured with the method of radiative immunity;the quantitative expression of fibrosis factor—TGF、PDGF was measured with the method of immunity histochemistry.


In comparison, emulsions of hexanoic acid produced a slight elongation of the normal prismatic aqueous morphology in 100% supersaturated systems, with little discernible growth modification in the 200% supersaturated systems.

相比之下,己酸乳液在100 %过饱体系中的正常棱柱水溶液形态产生了轻微的拉升,而在200 %过饱体系中表现不明显。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


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