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But Occam's razor suggests they were more likely to be undergraduates than aliens.


This still is not definitive proof, and other explanations exist, but Stewart told the New York Times,"Occam's Razor suggests that the simplest explanation is probably the best one."


In a troubling prediction of the more distant future, Ken Caldeira, an oceanographer at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, suggests that ocean pH several centuries from now will be lower than at any time in the past 300 million years.

对于较长远的未来,卡内基华盛顿学院的海洋学家卡德拉提出一项令人忧心的预测:在数个世纪之后,海洋的 pH 值会比过去三亿年来的任何时候都要低。

In fact, the OIA report suggests online sales are posed to "take off" and predicts 20+ percent growth for the next several years.


An old wives' tale suggests that swallowed gum sits in your stomach for seven years before it can be digested.


As Richard Oldfield, a fund manager, suggests in his new book*, price movements in response to news are exaggerated, providing an opportunity to those who do not base too much on what has happened in the last hour or 24 hours.

正如基金经理Richard Oldfield在他的新书中所作的暗示:价格波动对于新闻的反应是被夸大了的,这就为那些不太注意过去一小时或是24小时发生了什么的人提供了一个机会。

But the new study suggests that some olfaction genes have been evolving in a positive way: Their changes appear to have been selected for during human evolution.


He suggests you leave here at onc e.


However, relatively recent evidence suggests that in some patients opiate pain killers can paradoxically worsen the level of pain.


A recent opinion poll suggests Filipinos believe their own ability to speak English is improving.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
