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As George suggests a nightcap, however, Martha reveals that they are expecting company: the new man in the math department and his wife are coming over.


Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, perhaps it is time for GASP, Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggests Eli Noam of New York's Columbia Business School.


Later, the person that illegal investment seeks advice has, nobbler has the name that lends investment, for a short while, be full of on the net " inside information " with " investment suggests ".


To Mr. Pei, whose self-deprecat-ing charm suggests a certain noblesse oblige, all serious architecture is found somewhere between the extremes of an overly sentimental view of the past and a form of historical amnesia.


"Our research suggests that suicidal thoughts and behaviors are more common than one might think, and also that key risk factors for these behaviors are quite consistent across many different countries around the world," said Harvard University researcher Matthew Nock, whose study appears in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

英国精神病学杂志上刊登了哈佛大学研究员Matthew Nock的研究,他说"我们的研究发现自杀的想法和行为比我们想要的要普遍的多,并且,这些行为的关键危险因素在世界上不同国家是十分一致的。"

He suggests we start with the pinot noir grape, to build better wines.


Ross suggests to Carol that they spice up their non-existant sex life.


An Edinburgh University study of identical and non-identical twins suggests genes may control half the personality traits keeping us happy.


One of Kaldor's growth laws suggests that relatively high growth of industrial output generates relatively high growth of non-industrial productivity.


The Molar conductivity indicates that all the complexes are nonelectrolyte. IR spectra show the ligand is bonded with RE ion through its oxygen atom in hydroxyl group of phenol; NO3 is coordinated as a symmetrical chelating bidentate group; the coordinated atoms of DMF and DMSO are the oxygen atoms in carbonyl and sulfoxyl groups. Fluorescence spectrum suggests that the Tb3+complexes have characteristic luminescence and its fluorescence intensity is enhanced after doping with La3+, Gd3+, Y3+, influence of doping ions and neutral ligands have also been discussed.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
