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与 suggests 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Closer examination, however, suggests that this assumption may not be merited by the evidence.


The presence of dynamic and aggressive Mars in fixed and fiery Leo suggests you've got plenty of gusto and oomph to push ahead and get things done, especially when it comes to love and merrymaking.


The presence of dynamic and aggressiveMars in fixed and fiery Leo suggests you've got plenty of gusto andoomph to push ahead and get things done, especially when it comes tolove and merrymaking.


It suggests that the vortex migration and crystalling phase vortex nucleation of microscale ore-forming fluid will be the another important way in which some matter in system of metallogenetic kinetics moves and exists.


This suggests that the secondary orthopyroxene formed at the expense of olivine and clinopyroxene during the metasomatism by an evolved Tirich melt.


The study suggests that the carboxyl of the template is the function group responsible for the formation of complementary interacting site in the polymer P1, and the double hydrogen bonds formed between the carboxyl groups of ferrocenecarboxylic acid and methacrylic acid are the main interactions in the recognition process.


Curvilinear calcification suggests an aneurysm but is a less specific finding because it can also occur in craniopharyngiomas and sphenoidal masses. The intense enhancement of the residual lumen is relatively specific, but differentiation from other masses may be difficult on CT scans depending on the timing and degree of vascular enhancement. The MR imaging features are usually diagnostic, although they can be very subtle [2]. Significant signal heterogeneity is seen with T1 hyperintense signal due to subacute thrombus or flow related enhancement. Areas of T2 hypointensity can be seen due to intracellular deoxy or methemoglobin, calcification, or flow void.


First, the fact the team was able to stop PGC-1 alpha being methylated suggests that a drug might be developed to do the same.


Slipshod suggests a relaxed indulgence toward imperfection, a casual inattention to detail, and a general absence of meticulousness

Slipshod 意味着对不完美的随意放纵,对细节的散漫不留心,整体上来讲缺少细心

To the same end, Alistair Milne of Cass Business School also suggests that officials establish an exchange for these securities.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
