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The pigments synthesized from 2, 7-diaminoflurenone consistently show better photosensitivity than that containing anthraquinone. A plot of the E1/2 values against the Hammett constant σ was obtained for the pigments which have different substituents in the anilide ring. The plot reveals that neither a strong electron-releasing group, such as methoxy, nor a electron-withdrawing group, such as nitro-group, enhances the sensitivity of the photoreceptor in which these pigments are used as CGL materiel.
Remember there was ever the instruction to those peoples that were to hold to that that would bring for the spiritual forces, rather than the abuses of the abilities - as those with familiar spirits, as those that spoke to or partook of the divinations of those that had passed from the earth's plane, or those that partook of the animal magnetism - that came from the universal consciousness of animal matter as passed into its experience, in its interchange through those periods of integration and disintegration - and the spirit forces possessing those that would lay themselves open to such conditions, for these are as real as physical bodies if the attunements of the entity are such that it may vision them!
The natural elements of the aesthetics such as"mononoaware"are closely related to"animatism"and"vegetal aesthetics,"and the underlying cultural factors of such aesthetics can be attributed to Buddhist teaching, caducity of life and deism.
Provided that such Indian resident or such foreigner coming by land route as specified in Annexure IV, shall be allowed clearance free of duty articles in his bonafide baggage to the extent mentioned in column (2) of Appendix 'B'.
A mass of pyrolite xenolith (such as peridotite andpyroxenide) and high-pressure mineral megacrysts (such as anorthoclase, augite and kaersutite)are found in cone sheets and BS volcanic rocks.
Sleep apnea syndrome is regarded as the most important sleep disorder discovered in the 20th century as well as the significant research direction for sleep medicine. Sleeping breath-ceasing results in a symptom of repeated arterial anoxemia in sleeping, which can easily cause harm to cardio- pulmonary and causes sequela and complicating disease such as excessive day-time sleepiness and drowsy driving, even sudden death in sleeping. In such situations, the disease not only consume a lot of medical resources but also has a bad impact on the patient' living quality.
In such a medium, the direction of the Poynting vector monochromatic plane wave is antiparallel to that of its phase velocity. Because of that, DNG displays some unusual electromagnetic properties such as backward-wave effect, negative refractive effect, perfect lens and a limit situation, zero index of refraction materials.
Key concepts: senmantic component, denotation of words, sense relations between words such as antonymy and synonymy, sense relations between sentences such as entailment and presupposition.
The first thing to see, looking away over the water, was a kind of dull line -- that was the woods on t'other side; you couldn't make nothing else out; then a pale place in the sky; then more paleness spreading around; then the river softened up away off, and warn't black any more, but gray; you could see little dark spots drifting along ever so far away -- trading scows, and such things; and long black streaks -- rafts; sometimes you could hear a sweep screaking; or jumbled up voices, it was so still, and sounds come so far; and by and by you could see a streak on the water which you know by the look of the streak that there's a snag there in a swift current which breaks on it and makes that streak look that way; and you see the mist curl up off of the water, and the east reddens up, and the river, and you make out a log-cabin in the edge of the woods, away on the bank on t'other side of the river, being a woodyard, likely, and piled by them cheats so you can throw a dog through it anywheres; then the nice breeze springs up, and comes fanning you from over there, so cool and fresh and sweet to smell on account of the woods and the flowers; but sometimes not that way, because they've left dead fish laying around, gars and such, and they do get pretty rank; and next you've got the full day, and everything smiling in the sun, and the song-birds just going it!
往 水面上望去,首先看到的是灰蒙蒙的一条线——那是河对岸的树林子——别的便什么也看不清——接着是天空中有一点儿鱼肚白;然后鱼肚白多了些,逐渐朝四周散开去;接下来,远处河水的颜色淡了些,不是那么黑了,而是灰灰的了。更远处,可以看到小小的黑点子在漂过来——那是些载货的驳船之类。还有黑黑的一长条——那是木筏子。有时能听到长桨吱吱地响,或者一些杂音。四周这么寂静,声音又来自很远的远方。过了一会儿,你看到一道水纹。凭了水纹的模样,你知道那里有一块礁石,急流朝着它冲过去,流水飞溅,成了这个模样。你看到,雾气袅袅上升,离开水面,东方红了起来,河面红了起来。你可以看到对岸河边树林子边上一处原木搭成的小屋,那可能是一个木材场,在那里堆着的一堆堆木材,中间却是空的,容得狗钻来钻去,为了能叫人家上当①。然后微风轻拂,从河上一阵阵吹来,那么凉凉的,那么清新,闻起来那么甜美,这是全凭了那些树林子和那些鲜花的缘故。可有时候也并非全是如此美妙。
13 Every Receiver, attorney, manager, agent or other person appointed by the Lender under the powers hereby conferred shall, if so desired by the Lender but not otherwise, be entitled to be indemnified out of the Property and the monies arising therefrom or the income thereof in respect of all liabilities and expenses incurred by him in the execution or purported execution of his powers or duties hereunder and also against all loss, actions, suits, demands and claims in respect of any matter or thing done or omitted in anywise relating to the Property and the Lender may retain and pay out of any money in the Lender's hands arising from the terms and conditions hereof or from the Property all sums necessary to effect or secure such indemnity and all such sums shall be a charge on the Property
11.13 如贷款人有意如此而非在其他情况下,每一接管人、受权人、财产接收管理人、代理人或其他由贷款人根据本契据所授权力委任的人,凡因执行或看来是执行其在本契据的权力或责任而招致债务及开支,以及就物业作出或不作出任何事宜或事情引致损失、诉讼、讼案、要求、申索,均有权从物业及从来自物业的款项或收入取得弥偿。为实行及确保上述弥偿,凡贷款人因本契据条款及条件或因物业所得的款项,贷款人可保留及支取所需款额,而一切此等款额须成为物业的押记。
- 相关中文对照歌词
- There's No Such Thing As Aliens
- No Such Thing
- Good Thing
- Isn't It A Shame
- Boys
- Strange Love
- Wait
- No Such Thing
- Suerte En Mí
- Imaginos
- 推荐网络例句
A small, rubber-headed hammer used in examination or diagnosis by percussion.
Affixes are limited in number in a language, and are generally classified into three subtypes, namely, prefix, suffix, and infix, depending on their position with reference to the root or stem of the word.
Candlesticks, and sleeping on the deck with one another, next to one another to keep oneself warm.