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That Christ need not be wholly divine and wholly human was a view which Apollinaris of Laodicea did not succeed in fastening upon Alexandria in spite of his efforts in that direction.


But in the longer term, political analyst Archil Gegeshidze says Russia will surely succeed in creating internal political instability in Georgia.


To succeed in "Bon Appetit" you have to distinguish in a timely manner what is falling into the pan and whether to add it in your dish, even though, with every level the speed of falling things increases and it becomes difficult to distinguish between them!

在你必须及时地区别什麼正在掉入平锅的" Bon Appetit"成功而且是否把它加入你的盘子,即使,由於每一消除落下事物的速度增加而且它变成困难的区别他们!

Fourth, we have effectual method to control the pressure, if we are unwilling to do one's best to lighten the pressure, strengthening motive force, we bring the limitless agony to oneself and others, without success of accomplishing in one move, if we can succeed in dealing with the pressure in life , we may just get oneself and encourage .


Cervantes It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves-in finding themselves.


In the recent 10 years, at the three special fields of dynamic aerodynamics, although the circumferential Reynolds number gap between wind tunnel free flight and its corresponding real flight is as high as one or two magnitudes, wind tunnel free flight experiment results succeed in predicting or reproducing the dynamic aerodynamic characteristics in the three special fields, which appear in the real flight phase producing severe effects on flight security and flight performance.


Or new discoveries in cures for some human Diseases The well-known history of the Revolution in 1911 is a good example through a hard struggle with many failures for almost three decades, Dr. Sun Yat-sen with his people free themselves from a corruptive government of the last dynasty likewise if one wants to succeed in pursuing his serious goal in his life, perseverance is always the necessary characteristic he should learn to have.


But if the principle of the pretension be admitted, no one can reasonably object to its being acted on in the sense of the majority, or other preponderating power in the country; and all persons must be ready to conform to the idea of a Christian commonwealth, as understood by the early settlers in New England, if a religious profession similar to theirs should ever succeed in regaining its lost ground, as religions supposed to be declining have so often been known to do.


It is theoretically possible that we might succeed in haling the proportion of ery poor people in the world by 2015, simply because China had succeeded in lifting almost all its people out of that category, een if most countries in Africa still had the same proportion.


Succeed in developmet : AG series 0% mercury button cells in 2002 and have been more popular to those company which is famous in making toy and electronic products in the world.


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When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
