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Researching of educational economics\' methodology, which is a young subject, not only is beneficial for promoting the mature and criterional development of the subject, and is the necessary requirement of discipline construction, but also is very important to promote the subject to becoming a real interdisciplinarity.


According to the logos of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Hegel and the advanced teaching theory of Humboldt, Newman, Eliot, Huxley, Hutchins, and Kerr, along with the transformation logic of entrepreneurship education from perceptual stage of cognition to knowability and from knowability to rationality, the"essential research points"of the logos of entrepreneurship education are as the followings:"spiritualism paradigm"of subject arousal as inner core,"epistemology structure"of subject cultivation as intermediary, and"ethological requirement"of subject realization as object. These three elements constitute the main stream of logos of entrepreneurship education.


As a kind of subjective mental experience of subject, the eudaemonia can't shy away from the net of relationships where the subject stays to a great extent, and the net is formed by the subject and the other.


Once any such stock certificate is issued and during the period that the Plan holds the Restricted Shares, Officer shall be entitled to all rights associated with the ownership of shares of Common Stock not so held, except as follows: if additional shares of Common Stock become issuable to Officer with respect to Restricted Shares due to an event described in Section 6 below, any stock certificate representing such shares shall be issued in the name of the Plan and delivered to the Committee or its representative and those shares of Common Stock shall be treated as additional Restricted Shares and shall be subject to forfeiture to the same extent as the shares of Restricted Shares to which they relate; if cash dividends are paid on any shares of Common Stock subject to the terms of this Agreement, those dividends shall be reinvested in shares of Common Stock and any stock certificate representing such shares shall be issued in the name of the Plan and delivered to the Committee or its representative and those shares of Common Stock shall be treated as additional Restricted Shares and shall be subject to forfeiture to the same extent as any other Restricted Shares; and Officer shall have no rights inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, such as the restrictions on transfer described in Section 4 below.


The second, so far as the text is concerned, might be considered as merely a different wording of the first, were it not that the history of the council shows that Wyclif had directly opposed the Scholastic doctrine of "accidents without a subject" as absurd and even heretical (cf, De Augustinis, De re sacramentari, Rome, 1889, II, 573 sqq.), Hence it was the intention of the council to condemn the second article, not merely as a conclusion of the first, but as a distinct and independent proposition; wherefore we may gather the Church's teaching on the subject from the contradictory proposition;"Accidentia panis manent sine subjecto," ie the accidents of bread do remain without a subject.

第二,相对於文而言,可被视为仅仅是一个不同的措辞第一,如果不是被认为安理会历史表明wyclif直接反对学术上的理论,&如果没有意外的一个主题&一样荒谬甚至异端(比照,德奥古斯蒂尼斯,德重sacramentari ,罗马, 1889年第一,二, 573 sqq ),因此这是安理会打算谴责第二篇文章,而不是仅仅作为一种结论的第一,但作为一个独特和独立命题;哪,我们可以搜集教会的教学主题,从相互矛盾的命题&; accidentia潘尼斯manent正弦subjecto &,即事故的面包做的仍然是一个课题。

The second, so far as the text is concerned, might be considered as merely a different wording of the first, were it not that the history of the council shows that Wyclif had directly opposed the Scholastic doctrine of "accidents without a subject" as absurd and even heretical (cf, De Augustinis, De re sacramentari, Rome, 1889, II, 573 sqq.), Hence it was the intention of the council to condemn the second article, not merely as a conclusion of the first, but as a distinct and independent proposition; wherefore we may gather the Church's teaching on the subject from the contradictory proposition;"Accidentia panis manent sine subjecto," ie the accidents of bread do remain without a subject.

第二,相对于文而言,可被视为仅仅是一个不同的措辞第一,如果不是被认为安理会历史表明wyclif直接反对学术上的理论,&如果没有意外的一个主题&一样荒谬甚至异端(比照,德奥古斯蒂尼斯,德重sacramentari ,罗马, 1889年第一,二, 573 sqq ),因此这是安理会打算谴责第二篇文章,而不是仅仅作为一种结论的第一,但作为一个独特和独立命题;哪,我们可以搜集教会的教学主题,从相互矛盾的命题&; accidentia潘尼斯manent正弦subjecto &,即事故的面包做的仍然是一个课题。

Schmidt\'s understanding of Marx and Marxism emphasizes the social historical character of the concept of nature of Marx; And he argues that the philosophy of Marx aims at the criticism of "the second nature of nature" and the nonidentity of the subject and the object, because the biggest secret of the ideology lies in the identity, and in the philosophy the most core identity is the identity of the subject and the object, Schmidt reiterated ideology critique, which is the important subject of the Frankfurt school and even the entire West Marxism; He also elaborated the relation between Marx\'s natural view and the Marxian socialism theory.


"There is no art", referring to the artistic style and pattern, tends to say that there is no originality or the Utopian massive subject consciousness based on the modernist and existentialist theories. and, that tThe art subject itself can no longer carry the heavy burden of the philosophical ideation and a certain specific social ideation."There is only the artist" pinpoints that the subject consciousness of an individual should look into the numerous complicated social cultural problems to seek, in a certain survival and cultural context, for a recreative method to the individuality in an art language as well as other coexisting yet different individual speeches.


In the foreword, it is the brief analysis of the creative process of the creative subject, telling readers that what we concern about is the study of the subcreative of the creative subject and the study method and the study content of the dissertation. In the first part, it begins with the definition and the process of the subcreative, stepping into the case study of Ge Fei's subcreative, that is what we will study in the dissertation. In the second part, we try to find out the process of Ge Fei's subcreative according to the study method we mentioned in the foreword through the text analysis of the imago combination and the emotion stream in the Ge Fei's texts. In the third part, we summarize how the times and the readings influence the creative subject, through the analysis of the time when Ge Fei lives and the experiences of Ge Fei's reading. In the epilogue, we generalize the significance of the study of the dissertation, hoping that the Ge Fei's case study we do can give the subsequent researchers some revelation.


As the cross-discipline subject and borderline subject which has grown up from the binding site of philosophy and economics.the generation of the modern economic philosophy is just the inevitable result of the totalization trend of the subject development today.


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Touchy Subject
Sensitive Subject Matter
No Subject (Come With Me)
The Subject Was Faggots
Subject To Change
Subject To Change
Friendship Is A Touchy Subject

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
