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与 subject 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But unlike Courbet, who dealt with his subject in an effort to shock and influence the staid French Royal Academy, as in the case of L'Origine du Monde, 1866, Schiele explores the issue of sexuality in an attempt to express his own fascinations with the subject, irregardless of the opinions of others.

但是不像 Courbet,处理设法震动而且影响稳重的法国王室的学院他主题,当做在 L'Origine du 上流社会的情况,1866, Schiele 探究性别的议题试图用主题表达他自己的魔力,其它的意见 irregardless。

Therefore, blaming teachers for failing to improve students' subject mark is like blaming police for a crime wave, without student's hard work, the chances of succeed in a subject is very low.


Subject A the melody expressing emotion cheerfully , relaxed lively rhythm, and and theme looks at and appraises the tone responding to, have been full of the merry mood , have made person feel tinges of spring already arrives in the Danube; Subject B is relaxed , lucid and lively, as if being Danubian eulogy to spring.


Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this insurance a claim for loss or damage to any machinery , shaft, electrical equipment or wiring, boiler condenser heating coil or associated pipework, arising from any of the perils enumerated in Clause 622 to 625 inclusive above or from fire or explosion when either has originated in a machinery space, shall be subject to a deducible of Any balance remaining, after application of this deductible, with any other either has originated in a machinery space, shall be subject to the deductible in Clause 121

尽管有与本保险相反的任何规定,对于因遭遇第622项至625项列举的各项危险包括源于机舱的火灾或爆炸造成的任何机器、轴、电器设备或电线、锅炉冷凝器、暖油盘管,或附属管道的损害提起的索赔,应扣除免赔额,扣除该免赔额后的任何余额,与因同一事故或事件引起的任何其他索赔一道,应受第121款的免赔额的制约。第122 款和123款的规定,应适用于根据本条提出的任何索赔获得的赔偿及该保险赔偿所含的利息。

Article 76 In the event that any public health authority and its occupational-health supervision/law-enforcement personnel are liable for one of the practices as set out in Article 60 hereunder, which gives rise to occupational-disease-inductive accident and constitutes a crime, the responsible public health authority and its occupational-health supervision/law-enforcement personnel will be subject to criminal liability; provided that the practice does not constitute a crime, the public health authority's principal, executives and other personnel directly responsible for the practice are subject to such disciplinary actions as post-lowering, deposal or dismissal.


The organization liable for severe illegal practice will be deprived of the operating qualification by the original certification or approval organizations; the executives and other personnel directly responsible for the severe illegal practices are subject to such disciplinary actions as post-lowering, deposal or dismissal according to applicable regulations; any people liable for the illegal practice constituting a crime will be subject to the criminal liability


TT models, this paper established a new one of "subject omission", designating the overlapped part of the "input variance" and the "output variance", also the common part in both "semantic translation and "communicative translation". Thus, this new strategy not only gets popular with foreign readers, but also conveys and transferred the original flavor. It effectively absorbs the valid ingredients of the "disembodiment approach, and is proposed as a partly foreignization strategy, which are both initiated in this paper. Starting from the definition and function of subject omission, this paper illustrates its correlations with the characteristics of classical Chinese, features of poetic syntax and translation standard, followed by its close intimacy with the many traits of poetic aesthetics.

本文从马藤和纽马克的翻译模型出发,找到了input variance和 output variance,也即 Semantic Translation 与 Communicative Translation 中重叠的部分,即既能为外语读者所熟悉,又能体现原诗风格意境的结点:主语省略,融合了西洋翻译实验中"脱体句法"的合理成分,建立了诗歌翻译和主语省略关系的新模型,提出了中文诗歌部分异化的策略(与荷尔马斯诗歌翻译策略之三吻合)本文首先从主语省略的定义及功能入手,分别阐述了其与文言文的语言特征,诗歌句法的特征及与翻译标准之间的内在联系,及其与诗歌美学众特征之间的紧密联系。

Its subject matter is society---how people choose to lead their lives and how they interact with one another. But it approaches the subject with the dispassion of a science.


The influence of Kant's subject theory was so great that the entire legal philosophy and legal dogmatics were under his influence; even the final result also decided the legal definition of subject attribute.


His classic draftsmanship gave the paintings a clear representation of subject and the subject matter was regional China as obviously seen directly by him at a particular moment.


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Touchy Subject
Sensitive Subject Matter
No Subject (Come With Me)
The Subject Was Faggots
Subject To Change
Subject To Change
Friendship Is A Touchy Subject

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
