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A two-stage posterior subapical osteotomy was used to reestablish the intermaxillary space. Following orthodontic treatment and implant placement, the patient regained occlusal harmony and normal masticatory function.


Fruit inflated at least in the middle; ovules 2 per locule; placentation subapical.

至少在中间的果膨大的;每室2胚株 placentation近尖端。

Spikelets with 1 floret (very rarely 2), rachilla disarticulating above glumes, with penicillate extension lying against the palea; glumes subequal, usually slightly longer than the floret, rarely slightly shorter, membranous, 1–3-veined, apex acute or acuminate; floret callus bearded, hairs usually 1/3 as long up to about equaling floret; lemma thinly to firmly membranous,(3–)5-veined, dorsally awned or awnless, apex erose, denticulate or 2–4-toothed; awn geniculate or straight, its position varying from near base to near apex, usually inconspicuous, up to twice length of lemma but occasionally reduced to a subapical mucro or absent; palea 2/3 as long to subequaling lemma.


Sepals 5, often petaloid, sometimes with a subapical projection.


Ovules 1 per ovary; placentation subapical.

每子房胚珠1; placentation近尖端。

Gynoecium 4-carpelled, rudimentary or lacking in male flowers; ovaries connate at base, otherwise contiguous ; ovules [1 or] 2 per locule; style apical or subapical, of 4 contiguous, coherent, or connate stylar elements; stigma usually punctiform, capitellate, or capitate.

雌蕊4心皮,在雄花内不发育或缺如;子房在基部合生,或邻接;胚珠 [1或者 ]2每室;花柱顶端或近尖端,具4枚邻接,连着,或合生的花柱单体;柱头通常点状,小头状,或头状。

Under general anesthesia,we cut the bone by sagittal split ramus osteotomy, Lefort-Ⅰ osteotomy, genioplasty, maxillo-mandibule subapical osteotomy, then moved the bone segements to the predictive place in according to the plaster models.

根据临床设计,全麻下分别采用下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术、上颌骨Lefort Ⅰ型截骨术、颏成形术、上下颌骨根尖下截骨术等不同术式,劈开截骨,按设计要求移动骨块,预制钛板进行坚强内固定。

Gall flowers: sessile or pedicellate; calyx lobes 4; ovary white; style subapical, long.

瘿花: 无梗或有花梗;萼裂片4;子房白色;花柱近尖端,长。

Lower leaves pinnatipartite, pinnatifid, or sinuate-dentate; fruit not torulose, with only stellate trichomes; subapical horns (2.5-)4-7(-8) mm, divaricate-reflexed, strongly recurved; valves extended beyond horns into stylelike apex 1-2 mm

下部叶羽状深裂,羽状半裂,或具深波状具牙齿;不近念珠状的果,具只星状毛;近尖端角(2.5-)4-7(-8)毫米,极叉开反折,强烈下弯;在进stylelike先端1-2毫米角状突起以外裂爿延伸 2 T。

Spikelets laterally compressed, florets 2, lower floret fertile, upper floret reduced to a small empty lemma, disarticulating above glumes; glumes about as long as florets, broad, membranous, 1-veined; lower glume awnless; upper glume with an oblique, stout, subapical awn; callus pubescent; lemma of fertile floret dark brown, keeled, broad, cartilaginous to leathery, 3-veined, hairy on veins, apex acute to emarginate, awnless or with a fine, subapical awn-point; palea nearly as long as lemma, keels scabrous or ciliolate; upper floret cuneate or obovate, glabrous.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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