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与 style 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Having employing Brechtian devices in general, her plays become the new buds of Brechtian theatre in England. Moreover, Churchill has widely experimented with some components of surrealism, absurdism, postmodernism, and even the cruel theatre. She has apparently developed her characteristic style and artistic spectacle.


A style (1915--1925) with antirational approach and nihilistic, absurdist, and incongruous themes.


A style (1915--1925) with antirational approach and nihilistic,absurdist,and incongrous thems.


Dada A style (1915-1925) with antirational approach and nihilistic, absurdist, and incongruous themes.

流行于1915 年至1925 年间的艺术流派,其特点是反理性的创作手法和虚无、荒诞。

A style (1915--1925) with antirational approachandnihilistic,absurdist,and incongrous thems.


This kind of phenomenons appearance have the direct relations to the architects teach in each university during the Republic of China time.Both Japan and U.S.A.two major countries Chinese studies the West building technology in the early time,construction education is take "the academicism" the pattern as the foundation.The architectures from China definitely will be influenced subtly by the "academy-style" education.After returning home,also naturally use the "academy" type of education model.


So, the so-called academism, in some sense, is a style based on the sketch class.


But compared with the mode above, which is called academism, Zhangwei' s sketch is subversion. Its meanings are as follows: firstly, getting rid of the style of exercise-in-class.


In fact, Yang Kai had gone through a period of anxiety about artistic style, and gotten rid of the confusion and binding brought by realistic painting from academism, then he has found a way of expressing inner depression, nihility and gray images which have been trying to build on vision.


The significance of such relevance lies in that the literature and art has gone through two stages of development, or two types. One type of art is influenced by both the classical realistic art of the Western Europe and the socialist realism of the former Soviet Union. Though the historical and realistic themes covered by such type of art are revolutionary and highly consistent with the ideology of the ruling Communist Party of China, the artistic language and style are stamped with the academism features, which was represented in the fine arts seventeen years before the Cultural Revolution.


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You Know My Style
Denial Style
You Got The Style
The Old Style
Professional Style
The New Style
That's Not Her Style
My Style
Hit 'Em Up Style
Gangnam Style (In Style Of Psy)

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
