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与 style 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the initial attempt in abstract expressionism to the increasingly established unique individual style, the artist compares his exploration in the realm of painting to an "adventure" and he will never stop.


Face cartoons are face emotional abstract expressionism, through simple lines and regional express People's personality and emotion, the artist can seize a person's visual characteristics in a very short period of time to by use its own unique style.


More important, ZHOU DUO REN's sensitivity to colorful city life and innervation rhythn make him not choose nowdays popular picture drawings and paint realistically writings, but choose abstract demonstrating manner style.


In fact, he abandoned them and starting from scratch, created a style of art known as cubism, which is a type of abstract painting.

P37 实际上,他放弃了他们并且从头开始创造了一种艺术风格,称之为立体主义,是一种类型的抽象画。

Moreover,"German neo-expressionism","Abstractionism" and "Thick Color" affect my creative style a lot.


The discussion of this issue is barely involved with how the spirit of Utopia and individual value that exist naturally in the Western abstractionism have decayed and weakened while it is developed in China style. Instead, it concerns the gains and losses of 'nationalizing' the oil paintings, safeguarding cautiously the inherent spirit of the modern tradition, which, together with non-painting avant-garde art and figurative paintings, constitutes the three-pillar fine art forms.


This thesis attempts to discuss Andy Warhol in following aspects: Why did he turn from abstractionist art into pop art; and what were the factors that influenced his painting style?


Another work, revealing his impression of Mozart's elegant and brisk Adagio in E Violin and Orchestra K261, renders the painting in a poetic, Abstractionist style.


But in the fact,"absurdism"is not able to sum pinter's writing style,pinter's works inosculate both the character of realism and absurdism.


In the beginning and middle parts of 1980s, The Chinese dramas circle actively developed the Chinese traditional concept of time and space and the freehanded style, boldly borrowing the western absurdism and imagism, and started a new phase of innovation and muti-development.


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You Know My Style
Denial Style
You Got The Style
The Old Style
Professional Style
The New Style
That's Not Her Style
My Style
Hit 'Em Up Style
Gangnam Style (In Style Of Psy)

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
