英语人>网络例句>style 相关的网络例句

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与 style 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The style of this article is a far cry from that of those articles.


He lives in a room furnished in Russian style.


We have both buffet-style and a la carte dishes. Which would you prefer?


The French phrase a la mode means "in style."

法文的词组a la mode 在英文里,意即"时髦"。

Latest , a la mode , in style , modish


Ever since Descartes that "I think" This subject has been the specter of all the academic forces joined to dispel this specter of the Holy Alliance: from the modern obscurantism of structuralism and post-modernism, to the Habermas-style interaction theorists and black Degel-style defense of the existence of the thinking person, to the depth of cognitive scientists and ecologists, to the critical Marxist and feminist.


Based on the previous analysis, this thesis further discusses the influence of Magritte style on the graphics expression in posters with examples of excellent poster works influenced by Magritte style.


The park is arranged according to the five continantal maps and gathers 109 famous minatural landscapes from 40 countries including different constructures such as Egytian Pyramid, Franch La Tour Eiffel, NOTRE-Dame, American White House, US Capitol, Lincoln Memorial, Australian Sydney Opera and so on, and Italy-style and Japanese-style gardens.

公园整体布局按照五大洲版图划分景区,以世界上40个国家的 109处著名古迹名胜的微缩景点为主体,荟萃了世界上最著名的埃及金字塔、法国埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院、美国白宫、国会大厦、林肯纪念堂、澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院等建筑,以及意大利式、日本式花园等。

There would not exist the style. of Louis XIV if he had liked to live in the style. of Louis XIII.


In this book, Leavis expresses his dissatisfaction of the writing style of the British literature history, the"encyclopedic"style, that is, listing all the writers and their works.


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You Know My Style
Denial Style
You Got The Style
The Old Style
Professional Style
The New Style
That's Not Her Style
My Style
Hit 'Em Up Style
Gangnam Style (In Style Of Psy)

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
