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与 style 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While western-style fashion moves into Chinese people's wardrobes, traditional-style dress is also creeping into vogue.


The specilly designed bank tour tries to show the two different visages of Tunis: the Arab style and the Europe style.


Camping in style: The new Mandare River Camp is the first African-style luxury tented camp to open in Madagascar. Six tented rooms have biodegradable chemi-loos, solar-powered electricity and private verandahs - perfect for wildlife watching

野营风尚:这新推出的 Mandare 河露营是第一个非洲风格的奢华帐篷露营,他将在马达拉斯加拉开帷幕。6个帐篷型的房子内配备了可生物降解的化学厕所,太阳能供电系统和非常适合观察野生动物的私人阳台。

Caption:Camping in style: The new Mandare River Camp is the first African-style luxury tented camp to open in Madagascar. Six tented rooms have biodegradable chemi-loos, solar-powered electricity and private verandahs - perfect for wildlife watching


In this study, the writen probe into Ravel's piano piece Valses Nobles et Sentimentales from the aspects of Ravel's biography, compositional style and musical style. Moreover, the background knowledge, musical analyses, different interpretations and versions of this composition would also be investigated in this thesis. Through the process of research, it is hoped that the systematic and profound understanding of this piece would help to enrich the interpretation and expression when performing this composition.


Yongjia Village has a rental house belonging to historic preservation architecture, building construction style is Spanish-style, there is a small garden.


Also known as "Western classical revival style", there are Roman, Greek, Gothic, Baroque, Spanish-style and so on.


This is an upscale residential area located in Los Angeles on Melrose and highly elegant Spanish-style villa-style apartments, a group of characters through different but the same 20-year-old young man in his early live here, forming a temporary close family.


States the startup styles and their advantages and disadvantages of seveol three-phase ac asynchronous motor,presents the application of the new type electric flexible trigging style in the electric motor of deep well pump and its operating results in our plant,and provides the industial and mineral enterprises with application experience in the application of motor flexible trigging style.


At one extreme there remained a few of the old-style Alphatypes, the macho toughs, good in a fight but poor cooperators; and at the other end of the scale a few of the new-style Ultratypes, so advanced in this new evolutionary direction that they got stuck at the boy-group stage.

在一个极端仍然存在着一小部分旧型alphatypes , macho toughs ,良好的在打架,但穷人的合作者;和在天平的另一端的几个新型ultratypes ,使先进的在这个新的进化方向他们得到停留在该名男童组的阶段。

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You Know My Style
Denial Style
You Got The Style
The Old Style
Professional Style
The New Style
That's Not Her Style
My Style
Hit 'Em Up Style
Gangnam Style (In Style Of Psy)

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
