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With synthetic application of high resolution sequence stratigraphy and facies controlled cycle isochronous correlation technology, both of which are delicate sequence stratigraphic correlation methods, Es2 Member in Shanghe oil field is isochronously classified and correlated.
Based on lots of achievements of predecessors, directed by reservoir sedimentology, high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and petroleum geology, taking full advantage of loggin, core and thin section data from different wells, this paper has taken detailed study on the Upper Paleozoic strata in Tabamiao area.
Based on the method of well-logging multiscale analysis, the multiscale characters and the fusion of logging curves under different scales are studied systematically to extract the multicycle features of strata and to establish the corresponding relation between logging data and strata and therefore the improved logging data can be better applied to the evaluation of sequence stratigraphy. Based on the multiscale analysis theory of wavelet, single logging curve is processed through multiscale analyzing.
Research of sequence stratigraphy in nonmarine petroliferous basin must introduce some new concepts.
Fan-delta reservoir is one of important reservoirs in Meso-Cenozoic nonmarine basins China. It is significant to establish the relevant sequence stratigraphy method for evaluating and predicting fan-delta reservoirs.
It is the journal of the Palaeontological Association. The journal publishes a wide variety of papers on palaenotological topics covering: palaeozoology, palaeobotany, systematic studies, palaeoecology, micropalaeontology, palaeobiogeography, functional morphology, stratigraphy, taxonomy, taphonomy, palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, palaeoclimate analysis and biomineralization studies.
State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu〓210008, China
现代古生物学与地层学国家重点实验室,中国科学院南京地质与古生物研究所,江苏南京 210008
It plays an important part in the study of regional stratigraphy, palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology and tectonics for both the North China and the Yangtze Blocks.
The sequence stratigraphic characteristics of the Palaeogene in Bohai Sea area were analyzed by the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy theory.
According to the seismic data, well logging data and logging data, the sequence stratigraphy of the Palaeogene of the northern section in the eastern sag of Liaohe Basin was researched.
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