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Baal-hanan the Gederite was responsible for the olive-trees and the sycamore-trees in the lowlands; and Joash for the stores of oil
Tree category are: Yang, Liu, Yu, Sophora, Sorbus, piling, Huangya tree, Gleditsia trees and pine trees.
After restoration 8 years Casta nopsiscarlessiivar.spinulosia,Symplocos satchuenesis and others evergreen broadleaf trees seeding increased. Pinus massoniana and Gordonia acuminata seeding decreased. After 11 years, Castanopsis carlessiivar.spinulosia, Symplocos satchuenesis and others evergreen broadleaf trees seeding were dominated.There was no Pinus massoniana seeding, and Gordonia acuminata seeding was very little .
结 果表明:(1)在恢复的前2年,马尾松、大头茶的幼苗占绝对优势,其次是川灰木、小叶栲的幼苗,其他树种的幼苗较少;恢复后的第8年,川灰木、小叶栲和其他树种的幼苗增加,马尾松和大头茶的幼苗减少;恢复后的第11年,川灰木、小叶栲和其他常绿阔叶树种的幼苗占优势,林下无马尾松幼苗,大头茶的幼苗也较少。
The beaches, sandy are covered only with tufts of halophilous grasses. The dune areas have highly coconut trees and stunted palm trees.
The name Hollin is a reference in the language of Men to the many holly trees of the realm, and two holly trees planted long ago still flank the West-gate to this day.
According to all-around investigating on wild Lonicera fragrantissima in various mountainous areas of Henan Province, this article has maken clear Lonicera fragrantissima regional distribution, Total resources quantity, biologic characteristics, ecologic characteristics, natural distribution patterns, the value of development and utilization, using form, cuttage and breeding technology, the collection and protection of wild idioplasmic resources and so on. It detailedly describes wild resources distribution, biologic characteristics and ecologic characteristics. It has classified and selected a batch of superior trees according to the differences in fruits shape, fruits color, leaf shape and shape of the crown of trees. It has based on the nutrition and medication ingredient analyzed the using methods of fruits and leaves, and the way of exploitation.Through the experiment on Lonicera fragrantissima cuttage and breeding technology, transplant and domestication technology, it has provided the concrete technical measure of idioplasmic resources use and the preservation for Lonicera fragrantissima.
本文通过对河南省各山区野生郁香忍冬资源的全面调查与研究,摸清全省郁香忍冬资源的区域分布、资源总量、生物学特性、生态学特性、自然类型与经济性状、郁香忍冬的开发利用价值、利用形式、扦插育苗技术和野生种质资源收集保存与保护方法措施等,对河南省郁香忍冬野生资源的分布,生物学特性、生态学特性进行详细描述总结;根据果形、果色、叶形、冠形的差异性进行了类型划分,并选出了一批优树;根据果实、叶片中的营养与药用成分分析、果、叶利用方法研究,分析了其开发利用途径,并开展了郁香忍冬扦插育苗试验和苗木移栽训化试验,为郁香忍冬种质资源利用和保存提供了具体技术措施,其主要结果如下: 1、郁香忍冬属中性偏阳的低矮灌木树种,在灌木坡上当其处于上层空间时或纯林分布时,生长最好。
Community structure of soil nematode changed little with altitude, and soil organic matters were mainly decomposed by fungi. Among the three vegetations including sparse shrubland, semiwet indeciduous broad-leaved trees and wet indeciduous broad-leaved trees, there are significant differences in Shannon's diversity index, Simpson's dominance and diversity index among different communities.
It is shown that G gene has the highest speed during the evolution and has uniqueinquilinous body in order to escape immune pressure from inquilinous body byanalyzing phylogenic trees of five genes in the whole genome. In the evolution of Ggene, DRV and MRV are in different groups. DRV, Chinese vaccine isolated used inhuman and Japanese vaccine isolated used in human are in the same group. MRV,CVS and street viruses isolated from dogs are in the some group. It is shown thatDRV is vaccine isolated compared with phylogenic trees of other genes, and it istestified previous conclusion that unqualified vaccine used for human was used nearthe infected beer cote resulted in spotted deer infected.
Newly built road south expired green, green area 20 hectares, planted by Chinese pine, lacebark pine, gingko trees and other trees I 2900, the city grassland Begonia, cloves, and other shrubs 5800 I plants as among the Temple of Heaven, beautiful scenery and Xiannongtan.
Furthermore, out of 497 fAFLP markers, 80 special bands were found to be able to distinguish the four groups from each other and may be applied for germplasm characterization and molecular assistant classification of Meretrix clam.4 Molecular classification of two species of Meretrix clam based on fAFLP and ITS sequences4.1 The results of fAFLP maker analysis of S, G and W showed that each group had their own specific loci among which there were 53 special loci in W group, much more than those of S group (14) and G group (21). Among the 53 loci, nine were all dominant loci. These unique loci could be taken as molecular markers to distinguish W from other groups. The genetic similarity indexes and distance matrix between S and G groups were 0.9585 and 0.0424 respectively, but the genetic similarity indexes and distance matrix between W group and S or G group was 0.7939 or 0.7941, and 0.2308 or 0.2305 respectively. The results revealed that significant difference existed between W and S or G groups in molecular genetic structure. The phylogenetic trees by the methods of UPGMA and NJ also indicated that S and G populations were very closely related, while W population was a relatively independent cluster, lying beyond the species which S and G belong to.4.2 The internal transcribed spacer region of the rDNA from S group, G group and W group were PCR amplified and sequenced. The results showed that the size of ITS ranged between 1266-1269bp in W group, while those in G and S groups were 1614bp and 1520bp respectively. The GC content ranged 62.32-62.62% in W group while it was 61.77% in G group. The genetic distances between three populations of W group were 0.001~0.003, but it was 0.110 or 0.147 respectively between W group and G group or S group. Phylogenetic trees by NJ method also showed that G group was very closely related to S group, while W group was a relatively independent cluster.
在457个总扩增位点中找出了53个W的特有位点,远多于S群体(14)和G(21)群体,而且在53个特有位点中有9个出现频率为100%的位点,这些位点可以作为区分其它2个群体的特征性标记;S– G群体特有的位点有112个,其中有4个位点出现频率为100%,可作为S– G群体区别于W群体的特征性标记。S群体和G群体间的遗传相似性系数为0.9585,遗传距离只有0.0424,在NJ和UPGMA法构建的亲缘关系的树状图上均首先聚在一起,说明二者的亲缘关系很近,应属于种内群体间的关系;而W与S和G的遗传相似性系数均较小(0.7939和0.7941),相对遗传距离很大而且十分相近(0.2308和0.2305),在亲缘关系树状图上单独分出一支,也表明W与S和G群体间的亲缘关系较远。4.2 ITS序列比较分析通过对白壳文蛤、山东文蛤和广西文蛤的ITS序列扩增电泳、PCR-RFLP分析和ITS序列分析发现,W的ITS序列长度在1266-1269 bp,而S和与G的ITS序列总长度分别为1520 bp和1614 bp;从ITS1和ITS2长度来看,W分别为739-741 bp和316-317 bp,S为895 bp和414 bp,G为987 bp和416 bp;而从ITS碱基组成来看,W的GC含量在62.32-62.62%之间,而G群体为61.77%。W的3个壳色不同群体间的遗传距离仅0.001、0.002和0.003,S与G群体间的遗传距离是0.010,说明W群体内变异很小,而S与G群体间已出现明显的遗传分化,但还均属于种内群体间的遗传变异;而W与G和S的遗传距离分别达到0.110、0.147,两个类群差异显著,已远超出种内群体间的遗传变异。
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You shop for clothes at night markets and the clothes fits.
This is recorded in asp.net alumni program, and they hope to help a friend in need.
See Dominica for a good example!