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strangler tree相关的网络例句

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与 strangler tree 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest againsr the earth's sweet flowing *; a tree that looks at god all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pry; a tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair; upon whose bosom snow has lain; who intimately lives with rain.


Trees Page 2 of 21 By Joyce Kilmer I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree ; A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet flowing breast ; A tree that looks at God all day , And lifts her leafy arms to pray ; Anest that may in Smmer wear Anest of robins in her hair ; Upon whose bosow has lain , Who intimately lives with rain .

作者通过对树的赞美来讴歌造物的神奇。小树自得天机自长成,于不经意中已经使得诗人的才情在大自然的佳作前自叹弗如。想来,我永远找不到一首诗像树一样美妙。树的饥饿双唇紧偎大地把甜美的乳汁尽情吮吸。树整天仰望着上帝,祈祷时,举起枝叶扶苏的双臂。夏天,树还会把知更雀的小巢 Page 3 of 21 戴在自己发梢。雪花在树的怀抱里冬眠,树和雨露更是亲密无间。

Then the spatial index is constructed which includes not only the external approximate expression but also interior approximate expression of spatial object and is extended from tranditional index only with external approximate expression. The index structures of MR-tree and MRD-tree based on multi-approximate expression are set up with the prototype index of R-tree, and the relevant algorithms about the index of insertion, deletion and search are provided. Then, the efficiencies of constructing index based on the multi-approximate expression and window range query are analysised and compared. In addition, the several algorithms and efficiency of soving the maximum enclosed circle and maximum enclosed rectangle are discussed and analyzed during constructing index based on multi-approximate expression.


Rain on little tree, tree, tree.


In the ER-Tree, the efficiency of retrieval could be improved by the ways of partition of the vector space with hyper-sphere and R*-Tree s re-insert technology introduced to enhance ER-Tree s capability to represent the data-sets'features.


Major results were summarized as follows:(1) A total of 58 tree species from 53 genera in 36 families among which 8 species were Rosaceae, 5 species were Liliaceae, 5 species were Eriaceae, 3 species were Ranunculaceae, 3 species were Compositae, 2 species were Cupressaceae, 2 species were Caprifoliaceae, 2 species were Umblliferae, and other 28 tree species were only one receptively. These were recorded in the 8 plots of the A. georgei var. smithii forest;(2) Number of families, genera, species and Margalef index correlated negatively with altitude (P.05), with a peak at 3600 m.(3) Shannon-Wiener index correlated negatively with altitude (P.01), and maintained stable at the altitudes between 3700~4100 m, evenness with altitudes, however, this trend was insignificant.(4) Jaccard index increased sharply with increasing altitude at the altitudes between 3600~4100 m, and was lower between different vegetation types at the altitudes between 4100~4200. Cody index β(subscript c decreased with an increasing altitude, but there were 2 troughs between 4000~4100 m and 4200~4300 m.(5) Maximum tree height H(subscript max and HH(subscript max=37 mcorrelated negatively with altitude (P.05); but basal area and BA BA(subscript max=5.3m^2 correlated with altitudes, however, this trend was insignificant.

结果表明:(1)在调查的8个急尖长苞冷杉林样地内共有植物58种,分属于36科53属,其中植物较多的科有蔷薇科8种、百合科5种、杜鹃花科5种、毛茛科3种、菊科3种、柏科2种、忍冬科2种、伞形科2种,其余的28科各只有1个种;(2)物种科、属、种数、Margalef指数D(下标 M与海拔存在显著的负相关性(P.05),在分布急尖长苞冷杉最低海拔3600m处出现物种丰富度的最大值;(3)多样性指数与海拔之间有极显著的负相关性(P.01),并且在3700~4100m之间多样性指数保持稳定;均匀度指数与海拔梯度之间存在负相关性,但不显著;(4)Jaccard指数C(下标 j在海拔3600~4100m随海拔的升高而升高,在生境过渡带的4100~4200m之间Jaccard指数C(下标 j较低;Cody指数β(下标 c随海拔的升高呈下降的趋势,但在4000~4100m和4200~4300m 海拔区间出现2个低谷;(5)最大树高H(下标 max和最大胸径DBH(下标 max与海拔之间存在显著负相关性(P.05);胸高断面积之和和立木密度与海拔之间存在负相关性,但不显著。

WORD PROCESSOR Spell Checker (20+ langs., check block/all), Thesaurus, full control of fonts, colors, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, page margins, bullets, table color/shading/border/resize, format painter, text-sort, block-move, line/word-select, char.map, 100-level undo/redo, second editor pane etc. ATTACHMENTS: include files of any type and reasonable size; TREE FEATURES copy/paste, expand/collapse,sort, number tree, order tree-nodes through drag-drop, copy subtree directly to another database.

字处理器的拼写检查( 20 + langs ,检查座/所有),词库,完全控制字体,颜色,突出的颜色,左/右/中心/理由/缩进文字,页边距,子弹,表颜色/阴影/边界/大小,格式的画家,文本排序,分块移动,线/字选择, char.map , 100级别的撤销/重做,第二编辑窗格等附件:包括文件的任何类型的和合理的规模;树的特点复制/粘贴,展开/折叠,排序,有多少树,为了树节点通过拖放,复制子树直接向另一个数据库。

In this paper, as a case of Karamay, we have studied on space-time changement of soil quality in oasis of arid area. We measured quality for different land use types and years in same type by combinativing field sampling for Karamay in Xinjiang and analysis in laboratory, which is directed by former theory of soil quality. Then we did integrated evaluation of soil quality for different land use types, and had drew some conclusions as followed: In four land use types, the soil bulk density of layers(0~15cm) for farmland and tree land is bigger than the other land use types.The organic matter of every layer in manpower Tamarix Bulrush land is bigger; organic matter of Tamarix Bulrush land release efficiency nitrogen which result ration of C/N is higher; total nitrogen of all layers in farmland variety great as being effected by mass use of nitrogen in agriculture; deadwood and defoliation of tree、shrub and bulrush pooled in 5cm layer to result that quick nitrogen is the biggest among all layers. The total salt of nature shrub tree land for every layer being bigger than farmland explain that nature shrub thee land strongly stand salt and farmland for basification in this area; that the nutrient of face layer is bigger than the ground layer may be explained by that vegetation gather nutrient to be stored in deadwood and defoliation.


The directory service failed to lock a tree in preparation for a tree deletion because the tree was in use.


A divided B-spline surface model of shoe tree is founded, which offered the sound tree model for the shoemaking CAD/CAM. The calculating equation for control points of the bottom of the shoe tree is established for first time. A new method called LID to construct lateral and front surfaces of the shoe hell is proposed which furnishes the possibility for the hell CAD.


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However, we should not forget, that fish has to swim up freely to landing net at optimum circumstances of fishing and in such manner not to hurt the fish and if it is necessary to release it.


One the other hand, popularized education as well as international cooperation is being carried out.


And the rotation angles of the ER fluid with different concentration c and electrical field strength E were measured.
