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Lincomycin Sterile Solution contains benzyl alcohol as a preservative.
It is a good sterile line for breeding of quality hybrid rape varieties with yellow peel.
Hybrid rice ; male sterile line ; breeding
Leaves 3-verticillate and linear on flowering stems, 3-verticillate and obovate on sterile stems; sepals linear-obovate
在花茎上3轮生和线形,在不育的词干上3轮生和倒卵形的叶;倒卵形萼片线形 111 S。
Pool water treatment engineering and equipment, various kinds of water treatment equipment and materials, power stations, electronic industry, profiles, surface treatment, process with pure water, pure water coating process, pharmaceutical sterile water infusion, water treatment system, processed food and beverages, load line between water and real estate small schools, hotels, boiler water softening water, groundwater iron and manganese removal, fluoride, air conditioning water treatment equipment.
Glumes absent to 2, gradually transformed into lemmas, mucronate, basally and apically usually sterile; lemma papery; palea narrower and shorter than lemma; lodicules subglabrous.
The experiment with 4 cytoplasmic male sterile and their B-lines to examine characteristics of small vascular bundle, volume, weight, water potential of lodicules between CMS lines and B-lines and among CMS lines by using GLM and multiple comparisons, and correlation analysis was also conducted on the SVB, volume, weight, water potential of lodicules and percentage of glume-gaping grains and percentage of heavily glume-gaping grains on CMS lines.
All requirements for and ESL 60 machine are now covered: bottles sterilization and cap sterilization with ozonated water or hydrogen peroxide; washing and sterilization of the clean chamber; inclined main plate guaranteeing complete flow out off any fluid and dry up of the machine floor; construction allowing automatic washing using spherical and dedicated nozzles for supply of washing fluid; sterile air with overpressure supply, monitored by differential manometers, received by three-step filtration with enzyme HEPA filters.
对所有的要求和ESL 60机现覆盖:瓶子和瓶盖的消毒与臭氧水或过氧化氢杀菌,洗涤和清洁室消毒;斜板的主要保证完成关闭任何液体流出来的机器干地上;建设允许使用全自动洗衣机的洗涤液供应球形和专用喷嘴,与超压供应无菌空气,用差压力表监测,通过三步酶HEPA过滤器过滤欢迎。
Drupes with watery, sticky, or corky mesocarp, endocarp divided at maturity into 2 2-seeded or 4 1-seeded mericarps, sometimes 1 seed sterile.
多水的核果具,发粘,或木栓质,裂成熟时进4 1种子2 2种子或,有时不育的1种子。
The orchid flower, like most flowers of monocots has two whorls of sterile elements.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Sterile
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