英语人>网络例句>steady-handed 相关的网络例句

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与 steady-handed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That is the golden age on Holand history, much money the Caesarean apanage in a steady stream from its with a vast territory ceaselessly inpour treasury, become world banking, industry and artistic center temporarily.


Most of the time, the apparent motion ofMarsinEarth's skyis in one direction, slow but steady in front of the far distant stars.


Presiding apparitor Wei Zhe expresses Alibaba: The income of the company and profit 2008 obtained steady growth first quarter.


For an arbitrary system of steady-flow and constant volume reactors, the concept of theattainable region is extended by the consideration of the recycle material from separation.


The relationship between the two kinds of structure is the important pledge of healthy, comfortable and sustainable humanistic objective for urban enviroment. In allusion to the problem urgent to solve in recent creation, the article summarizes the humanistic design concept and strategy for serried region of high-rise building, from the analysis of the building noumenon, space, interior and exterior enviroment in urban"serried-core". The strategies are form creation strategies which cultivate formal individuality in the relationship with urban enviroment, and conform urban context in the relationship with restrictive factors; space creation strategies which creat humanistic space and site by attempering architectural space and urban space, and call for humanistic scalc and inspirit by the combination of architectural space and urban function; enviroment creation stategies which create sustainable physical enviroment based on steady urban zoology, and construct poetic humanistic enviroment during the course of compound urbar enviroment.


At present, the asepsis soft packing line produced by our company is warmly accepted and appreciated by the users in and abroad for its progressed design, asepsis characteristic, reliable and steady and the best and proper price.


A computer program was developed based on the minimum free energy algorithm, The program consists of several compute modules including assumption chemical molealar formula calculation, final combust resultant calculation of combusting chamber nd combustion temperature calculation in steady pressure etc.


A computer program was developed based on the minimum free energy algorithm, The program consists of several compute modules including assumption chemical molealar formula calculation, final combust resultant calculation of combust ing chamber nd combust ion temperature calculation in steady pressure etc.


And it establishes the math model of astatic heat transfer around the digester fermenting. The math model is dispersed by the use of control volume integration. Then, it presents composing of the experiment system and preparing of the experiment devices. It analyses the data of steady operation in summer and in winter. Through analysis, we can know the change condition about the soil temperature around the digester fermenting、the temperature of solution and heat-transfer content.


"Is it steady or moving astern?"


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Rock Steady
Rock Steady
Rock Steady
Rock Steady
Ready, Steady, Go
Steady Now
Steady Rollin' Man
Steady On
Too Young To Go Steady
Let's Go Steady Again

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
