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staple remover相关的网络例句

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与 staple remover 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The direct transportation in loading area is one of the most rational and basic way to the staple freight transportation, which has advantages of abating the scarcity of the ra.


Dad liked to drink but hate the staple food, the personality of the child as his father would like to eat sea urchin sauce, seaweed, fish, dry white salty things, food will be dismissive of the potato, the number of such children could eat porridge and rice weight are less than the "standard weight."


Analysis on the status quo of production and industrialization prospect of the root and tuber crop in Yunnan;2. The status quo of production of staple root and tuber crop was analyzed in this paper.


For a time this matter has been ten-mile village of eight widely disseminated, become a staple of jokes.


There are these finer staple foods, i.e.,ghee, fresh butter, oil, honey, sugar/molasses, fish, meat, milk, and curds.


Put one staple in the middle of the top stretcher bar, trying to keep the rest of the canvas from loosening around the other sides too much, and keeping all the excess canvas even.


A staple-shaped septum retainer is yet another option.


And staple it in place right over your ears.


Figure 10 the right of the staple zoysiagrass arrangement (A4 size paper horizontally) Web offset, yet.


The Fur Trade in Canada also describes the cultural interactions among three groups of people: the Europeans in fashionable metropolitan centres who regarded beaver hats as luxury items; the European colonial settlers who saw beaver fur as a staple that could be exported to pay for essential manufactured goods from the home country, and First Nations peoples who traded furs for industrial goods such as metal pots, knives, guns and liquor.


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Love Removal Machine
Love Removal Machine
Staple It Together
No Jumper Cables
Intermission I
Seven Years
Seven Years

Objective To evaluate the effect of surgery in the treatment of hepatolithiasis.

摘 要:目的评价外科手术在肝胆管结石治疗中的作用。

He' s always producing grandiose plans that never work.


In April 1946, the US government recalled the American observational mission in Yan'an, which went to Yan'an in July 1944 because of its anticommunist ideology, and put a stop to the official dialogue between the US government and the Communist Party of China as a result.

1946年4月,因其反共意识形态,美国政府召回在1944年7月进驻延安的观察团,因而,终止了美国政府与中国共产党之间的官方对话(郑生寿, et al, 267-268)。