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与 staff 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was, however, no battalion staff organization, so the battalion commander and his aide-de-camp had to coordinate all staff functions like logistics, intelligence, operations, and communications.


Re-appointed Chief of Air Staff by War and Air Minister Winston Churchill in 1919 (the year he was created a baronet) Trenchard founded training colleges for air cadets and staff officers and introduced a system of short-service commissions so as to provide a reservoir of trained personnel should the need arise.


Http://bbs.cqzg.cn Re-appointed Chief of Air Staff by War and Air Minister Winston Churchill in 1919 (the year he was created a baronet) Trenchard founded training colleges for air cadets and staff officers and introduced a system of short-service commissions so as to provide a reservoir of trained personnel should the need arise.


Re-appointed Chief of Air Staff by War and Air Minister Winston Churchill in 1919 (the year he was created a baronet) Trenchard founded training colleges for air cadets and staff officers and introduced a system of short-service commissions so as to provide a reservoir of trained personnel should the need arise.春秋中文社区http://bbs.cqzg.cn

春秋中文社区http://bbs.cqzg.cn 1919年特伦查德被空军大臣温斯顿·邱吉尔再次任命为空军参谋长,为空军士官和参谋人员建立了训练学院,并创立了短期服役制度以便于当需求增加时可以提供大量有经验的人员。

the effect of yantai zhifu district individual clinic disinfection, not optimistic about the investigation and analysis of the corresponding Suggestions and countermeasures: health administrative departments to strengthen supervision and management, Managers and staff organization clinic knowledge and technical training to undertake alexipharmic, Improve clinic management disinfection notion, Individual clinic management system, establish disinfection staff compliance.


For example,the maintenance of multiple networks can require additional staff.often,this staff must be trained on multiple vendor technologies,sometimes requiring parallel groups specializing in each (72) hence,additional maintenance procedures must be maintained and administrative records are (73) the duplication of trasport facilities to carry (74) network traffic is an inefficient use of resources and,not surprisingly,more technologies installed in a central office mean the necessity for more physical space,and an increase in power connections and power consumption.migration of these (75) network elements to IP-based DCns is alogical strategy


The administrative staff in colleges and universities have absolute ascendance, because in power distribution system they are supported by the state power. And they are not only the operators of power, but also the main policy-making staff, so their interests are integrated with decision-making.


Support Staff Australasia Pty Ltd members of staff look forward to meeting with you in the near future.


The average term of the banking staff also relatively low, 58% of them will leave in two years, while only 19% of the staff of more than three years.


Provides for the pitch d, f, a, c, and f-line painted red, c painted yellow line (later to become Zhonggao Yin Staff and the origin of the bass clef). The 13th century was the first use of 5 lines, to become the predecessor of Staff. 16th century and increase the line to make the pitch more complete records.


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