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与 staff 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This topic mainly checks attendance take a small and medium-sized enterprise staff the management as the basic request, main function including to each data sheet inquiry and maintenance, including to staff's rewards and punishment establishment management, each data sheet inquiry and maintenance, to staff achievement and salary rank and some statement analysis.


Salary pre requisite of administrative system will certainly have the employee's attendance information as the foundation, because the system to use staff attendance information is it cal cu lat salary of staff to come, must guar an teethe staff's personnel information data base while using, so this system is chartered Draw tog ethers one information process sing of the personnel


The whole system from the simple, user-friendly, flexible, practical and security requirements of the complete personnel, time and attendance, the entire process of wage management, including personnel files, information changes, staff information, statistics and personnel management work Attendance mission management staff to work overtime, wages for staff, modify, print and other wage salary scale management.


Walking routes in the staff, operating hours, railway professionals should take the necessary security measures had nothing to do with the railway staff may not be in the railways, bridges, tunnels running staff access.


"Rules for the staff and workers,System of labor and salary ,System of work attendance record, promotion and awards and penalty for the staff and workers, System of staff and worker's welfare"


This article mainly obtains from the inspiritmen theory, to unify the present situation which and the existence question of marketing staff's inspiritment in chinese small and medium enterprise , from the salary, training and the psychological aspect to Marketing staff's inspiritment in chinese small and medium enterprise that the design proposed the viewpoint and the view, take the time as Chinese Small and medium-sized enterprise in the marketing staff's inspiritment the aspect provides the reference.


The company employs over 70 staff,including 12 managerial staff,8 professionals in petroleum equipment design,production and manufacture,2 persons with senior professional titler and 38 persons with middle professional titles and experienced in machinery manufacturing ,10 qualified staff in sales and services.


In view of the fact that the reform of the medicare system for workers and staff members is an extremely complicated work which concerns the practical interests of the broad masses of workers and staff members, is highly policy-oriented and involves wide segments of society, and to gain further experience, in accordance with the requirements of gradual establishment of the medicare system based on the combination of the unifiedly raised social medical funds of the cities and towns and individual medical accounts and quickening the pace of reform of the medicare system during the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" period contained in the "Program of the Ninth Five-Year Plan of National Economic and Social Development and 2010 Perspective Goals of the People's Republic of China" adopted at the Fourth Session of the Eighth National People's Congress, the State Council has decided on the basis of the experiment of Zhenjiang City and Jiujiang City, to further select a number of cities where the conditions are mature to extend the scope of experiment of the reform of the medicare system for workers and staff members in a planned way and step by step.


The purpose of this study was to examine the difference between using bladder scan and catheterization on 87 rehabilitation patients to evaluation the amount of residual urine. After voiding, each subject was scanned with a BladderScan BVI 3000, then catheterized for postvoid residual urine volume. Repeat measure ANOVA analysis showed that the factors of gender, diagnosis, posture, the thickness of abdominal fat, bladder shape, the amount of urine, and the interval of operation time have no difference in this study. It takes 45 ± 18 seconds (range: 17-119) to accomplish a bladder scan, and it takes 280 ±106 seconds (range: 136-664) for nursing staff to complete a catheterization for patient. However, the catheterization process takes nursing staff 3-8 times longer then operating a bladder scan. This would diminish unnecessary catheterization and save on medical staff resources.

本研究对87位需做余尿量评估的复健病人,在排尿后以膀胱超音波BVI 3000机型测量扫描余尿量,然后接著给予间歇导尿,以repeat measures ANOVA分析,结果发现膀胱超音波及导尿测量所得尿量是无差异(F=0.38 p=。68),再以性别、诊断、姿势、腹部脂肪厚度、膀胱形状、尿量、操作间隔时间等因素做分析,以repeat measures ANOVA检定亦无差异,同时测量两种测量方法所花费护理时数:膀胱超音波平均为45±18秒(range: 17-119秒),导尿为平均280±106秒(range: 136-664秒),结论是膀胱超音波与导尿方式对余尿量的测量一样好,膀胱超音波与导尿时间相差约3-8倍的护理时数,先以超音波来测量余尿量可以减少不必要的导尿次数及节省医疗人力成本。

Is an expert to good expert the manner when colludes with with other people carries on the cheating, exists with the bank staff colludes with the implementation cheating the situation, in the current our country actual situation, the bank nature has the state-owned bank and difference the non-state-owned bank, therefore the author and the heterogeneity bank staff colludes with the implementation loan cheating the nature to be different, this article only colludes with the implementation on the author and the state-owned bank staff the behavior to make the discussion.


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Hell's Wind Staff / Killah Hills 10304
Pleasant Hotel Staff
On Behalf Of The Entire Staff And Management
Hellz Wind Staff

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

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The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
