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与 stack-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first one such as Echo method is a regular clr method under the operation contract, the second one is also under the WCF contract, but its implementation is declaratively using a xaml stack,, and the third method is a private regular clr method.


The first application then retrieves the saved data and completes its execution. A delegator stack is used to keep track of the delegator''s identity when multiple delegations occur. The AAM model allows for a high level of security while transferring data between applications.


One of a series of double-faced bookcases in a library stack room.


One of a series of double-faced bookcases in a library stack room .


In order to apply and popularize this technology in our country, on the basis of having received researches, this project has carried out some theory analysis and developed a double-faced stack mold, which can easily be turned into a single-face mold according to production task.


Fetch the 64-bit IEEE double-precision number stored at df-addr to the floating-point stack as r in the internal representation.

取得储存於 df-addr 的一个 64 位元的 IEEE 双精确浮点数字,到浮点堆叠以内部表示法成为 r。

This code saves a doubleword of stack space by fitting two segment registers into the space which would normally be consumed by pushing one.


Please note that in this case the stack grows downwards.


Applying his scientific mind to the situation, Midgley calculated that the probability of this happening was "equal to the chances of drawing a certain individual card from a stack of playing cards as high as the Empire State Building".


To meet the needs of detection of space faint objects for a telescope with large aperture and short focal,a binding drawtube telescope scheme to detect space object is presented to overcome the shortcomings that focal length grows and field of view shrinks with the increasing of aperture size in traditional telescope for space detection.The software methods are used to stack collected images to restrain background random noises and to improve image Signal to Noise Ratio and the detecting ability of the whole system.


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Make It Stack (Remix)
Make It Stack
Stack Shot Billy
Stack - A - Lee
Smoke Stack
Gotta Stack Ya Paper
Letter To Stack Bundles
Stack On My Belt
Stack Yo Chips
Blowin' My Stack

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
