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与 spy-glass 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 2001, a Chinese pilot died and the 24 members of the spy plane's crew were held for 11 days.


If the US refuses to pay compensation,then the Chinese government should keep the spy plane until it is paid.


The telltale patches of hot and cold that the U2 spy plane had failed to detect.

能说明问题的冷热补丁 U2间谍机未能发现

It may or may not be true that the Navy spy plane which collidedwith the Chinese fighter jet was in Chinese air space.


"But then the American spy plane incident happened in China they weren't sure program was going to happen."


In the age-old battle between cats and dogs, one crazed feline has taken things a paw too far. Kitty Galore, formerly an agent for cat spy organization MEOWS, has gone rogue and hatched a diabolical plan to not only bring her canine enemies to heel, but take down her former kitty comrades and make the world her scratching post.

在猫咪和狗狗这场跨越若干世纪的秘密战争中,有一只疯狂的猫走上了极端,它就是Kitty Galore,这只猫原本是猫咪间谍组织&喵&的一名特工,为了复仇它酝酿了一个毒辣的计划,不仅要将犬类踩在脚下,也要让同类对自己俯首帖耳,并统治世界。

The US spy plane crisis has entered its second week with no sign yet of a resolution of 1diplomatic and military differences.


He loved to run down dry watercourses, and creep and spy upon the bird life in the woods.


U2 spy planes confirm presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba, triggering the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Choose activities where working as a team pays off - perhaps a scavenger hunt or a spy mission.


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I Spy
Spy In The House Of The Night
Secret Spy Decoder Ring
I Spy
The Spy
I Spy
I Spy (For The FBI)
Spy Of Love

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
