英语人>网络例句>spy-glass 相关的网络例句

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与 spy-glass 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At first Matei's story, which begins in Bucharest in 1938, seems like a World War II-era spy thriller, complete with Nazi agents in trench coats and a femme fatale with swastikas on her garters.


Traders now give compete chance, Theologians increase success of missionaries, Spymasters increase spy efficiency, Colonial Governors makes it more likely to place colonists, and Diplomats increase your badboy reduction.


He once asked me for twenty of my finest sheepskins. He said he would fill them with hot air and float like a cloud above the battlefield to spy on Baal's legions!


Do you think its not possible? well, think again, cause in Visual Basic (starting from release version 5), a serries of handy funtions is presented by Microsoft to turn this regular variables of yours into a pointer, these are: http://www.mscto.com

最好的是,可以获取它所有输出函数的列表;差点忘记,可以把它们 spy 出来或者干脆获取函数体的副本进行反汇编,比低级语言访问更多的内容,这也是 C 语言被称为工业标准的原因;现在你可以书写跟 C 表现相同的 Visual Basic 程序,祝你好运!

Do you think its not possible? well, think again, cause in visual basic (starting from release version 5), a serries of handy funtions is presented by microsoft to turn this regular variables of yours into a pointer, these are

最好的是,可以获取它所有输出函数的列表;差点忘记,可以把它们 spy 出来或者干脆获取函数体的副本进行反汇编,比低级语言访问更多的内容,这也是 c 语言被称为工业标准的原因;现在你可以书写跟 c 表现相同的 visual basic 程序,祝你好运!

"He's a spy, a Scallawag!"


It causes companies financial losses because they have to purchase more high tech software like spam blockers and spy-ware removers, and it's a strain on system servers and bandwidth.


All that exists is not valid, we couldn't say that it is in reason to spy into others' privacy just because most people prefer to do so, and we should not just accept a unfair fact without exert any effort to change the circum stance. To put your own feet in the shoes of the public figures, do you feel comfortable to be watched everywhere you go, and find a lot of affair news about you in the media especially when most of the news are made out by the pressmen?

评析:这篇文章的主要失误来自作者未能仔细审题便下笔一蹴而就,题目所讨论的对象明明是Public Figures,从头到尾讨论的主体居然成了Public,说他们如何如何关注明星隐私,说他们如何如何设身处地地为明星们着想,最后总结说是公众应还明星们于自由之躯,把一上来合理的&否定回应&抛之脑后,从而导致文章&答非所问&。

As our organization's top Spy Kid operatives!


In addition, the flash point in the spy must be noted that the pace of opening to get faster, when you came bunker, even if your heart with the goal of quasi-poor months thousands of miles away, it must be the first time off guns, Regardless of hit or not, immediately flash back bunker, if you are in life, then adjust the location of the prospective heart, ready to attack next.


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I Spy
Spy In The House Of The Night
Secret Spy Decoder Ring
I Spy
The Spy
I Spy
I Spy (For The FBI)
Spy Of Love

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
