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Renault Koleos Spy photos appeared yesterday on what was supposed to be a next-generation Nissan Murano, which was being tested in the warmer Spanish climate.

雷诺Koleos 间谍照片似乎昨天什么被认为是新一代日产的Murano ,目前正在测试中的温暖西班牙的气候。

You are looking for Murphy the spy—he's in the village over in the other direction.


And as Jeffrey Rosen reported in The New York Times Magazine last October, the Newham spy system has not resulted in a single arrest during its three years of operation.

Jeffrey Rosen 去年十月在纽约时报杂志上所报告的,纽汉侦探系统在其三年运行期间,没有一次逮捕。

Mr Carlin brings the story alive by telling it through the eyes of a broad spectrum of South Africans. Among these is Desmond Tutu, the Nobel prize-winning archbishop of Cape Town, who was in America on the day of the final and had to find a bar that would let him watch it at an ungodly hour of the morning. Also, Niel Barnard, a former chief spy for the apartheid regime, who used to keep a thick file on Bishop Tutu. And Justice Bekebeke, a young township firebrand who killed a policeman for firing at a child during a riot and spent time on death row.

Carlin先生还借其他许多南非人之口将故事讲得更为生动,这里面有曾获诺贝尔奖的开普敦主教Desmond Tutu,当时他人在美国,大清早地还得去找允许他看比赛的酒吧;还有南非前政府间谍长官Niel Barnard,他手上就有关于Tutu主教的大宗资料;还写到了Justice Bekebeke这位青年激进分子,他因杀死一名朝小孩开枪的警察而获罪入狱,还曾在死囚区服过刑。

Meanwhile there have been a number of other developments about the NSA's spy program.


Contact your spy on the north end of Oahu.


The Bush administration is trying to convince the world that Pentagon's plan to shoot down a dying US spy satellite is not part of any offensive weapons program.


Whether she was really an agent of the Thought Police, or simply an amateur spy actuated by officiousness, hardly mattered


For a while – or so Lust, Caution suggests – Shanghai stayed in character as a place of intrigue and orchidaceous subterfuge, where a woman spy for the Chinese resistance could use ancestral seduction ploys to attempt the ruin of a Chinese collaborator.


I asked Otter,' continued the Badger,' to do some spy work for us.


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I Spy
Spy In The House Of The Night
Secret Spy Decoder Ring
I Spy
The Spy
I Spy
I Spy (For The FBI)
Spy Of Love

I urge any American living outside the country to get an early start checking his/her registration and receiving an absentee ballot, because it can take a while.


He is too young to join the army.


Over time Winfrey has made the contents of the show more sophisticated and sympathetic, moving away from its sensationalist beginnings to an exploration of spirituality and community which has proved popular particularly with women.
