英语人>网络例句>spell-casting 相关的网络例句

查询词典 spell-casting

与 spell-casting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She's only in nursery school and she can spell her name backwards and forwards


This spell works exactly like baleful polymorph, but it cannot be dispelled by any means.


The strength of this conjuration is such that the Balor is bound to your will, and no protection from evil or similar protective spell needs to be cast.


Never do it with a Spell if you can do it with a Bardic Music effect instead .


Never do it with a Spell if you can do it with a Bardic Music effect instead. FrEx: Don't learn Heroism, use Inspire Courage instead.


Not a spell so much as a magical effect, caused by seeing the reflected eyes of a Basilisk.


A fickle lover love affairs love sick be obsessed by court get dumped unworthy of your love love at first sight feel attracted to sb. be spell bound for fall in love with sb. adore have a crush on sb.

对人忠诚水性扬花的情人绯闻相思病对……着迷奉承,追求被甩不值得付出爱的一见钟情被……吸引着迷爱上某人爱慕迷恋某人神魂颠倒三角恋嫉妒分手圆满结局的爱情言归于好跟他/她在一起很有安全感 56 新东方在线 www.koolearn.com / www。

A fickle lover love affairs love sick be obsessed by court get dumped unworthy of your love love at first sight feel attracted to sb. be spell bound for fall in love with sb. adore have a crush on sb. fall head over heels in love love triangle be jealous of split up/break up happy ending love make up/reunion feel at home with sb.

有安全感跟他/她在一起很对人忠诚水性扬花的情人绯闻相思病对……着迷奉承,追求被甩不值得付出爱的一见钟情被……吸引着迷爱上某人爱慕迷恋某人神魂颠倒三角恋嫉妒分手圆满结局的爱情言归于好 47 第五单元第一部分核心语汇第一节 accept Basic need 音形义

In due course, they will be transported back to the Old Kingdom and buried deep beneath stone and spell.


In due course, they will be transported back to the Old Kingdom and buried deep beneath stone and spell.8 h0 w- W' k; B


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Dry Spell
The Spell
Secret Spell
I Put A Spell On You
Strange And Beautiful (I'll Put A Spell On You)
The Dark Forest (Cast Me Your Spell)
(I Put A) Spell On You
Under Your Spell
Love Spell
I Put A Spell On You

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
