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与 spell-casting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cerise has 4 unused 0-level spell slots, 4 unused 1st-level spell slots, 5 unused 2ndlevel spell slots, 3 unused 3rd-level spell slots, 1 unused 4th-level spell slot, and 2 unused 5th-level spell slots. After 1 round, Cerise's mana detonates. She loses her 0-, 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-level spell slots a total of 25 spell


Cerise has 4 unused 0-level spell slots, 4 unused 1st-level spell slots, 5 unused 2ndlevel spell slots, 3 unused 3rd-level spell slots, 1 unused 4th-level spell slot, and 2 unused 5th-level spell slots. After 1 round, Cerise's mana detonates. She loses her 0-, 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-level spell slots (a total of 25 spell levels).


Out of control, but usually the only result of a failed spell is a frustrated spellcaster.In his studies, Khadgar discovered that if a spell fails in a spectacular fashion, it indicates that the failedspell is very close to the final intended spell. The magics are trying to close the gap, to make things


When using Swiftmend it is important to note that if one of the tanks is spiked while the Druid is reapplying Lifeblooms, the Druid should then Swiftmend as the third spell, and reapply Rejuvenation with the fourth spell. Likewise if a raid member falls near death during Lifebloom reapplication, the third and fourth spell can be used to place a Rejuvenation on them followed immediately by a Swiftmend.


Increases the damage of your Immolate spell by an amount equal to 5% of your spell power, and the critical strike chance of your Conflagrate spell is increased by 5% is the immolate on the target has 5 or fewer seconds remaining.


Epic Spell Slots: A character must have an available epic spell slot to prepare or cast an epic spell, just as he or she needs a normal spell slot for a nonepic spell.


Alertness, Blinding Speed (2), Cleave, Corrupt Spell, Corrupt Spell-like Ability, Craft Epic Rod, Craft Epic Wondrous Items, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Items, Dark Speech, Empower Spell, Epic Spell Focus, Eschew Materials, Extra Turning (2), Fly-by Attack, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus, Ignore Material Components, Improved Bullrush, Improved Initiative, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Improved Spell Capacity (12th), Intensify Spell, Maximize Spell, Multispell, Negative Energy Burst, Planar Turning, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Quicken Spell-like Ability, Reach Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus, Sunder, Toughness, Vile Natural Strike, Weapon Focus, Willing Deformity, Zone of Animation.

技能与特长:炼金术+56,平衡+11,哄骗+48,集中+102,手艺+35,手艺+63,交涉+48,逃跑艺术+50,医疗+33,隐藏+38,胁迫+53,跳跃+28,知识+63,知识+124,知识+96,知识+84,知识+ 63,聆听+55,安静移动+50,占卜+101,搜索+68,察言观色+55,法术识别+119,观察+57,摔绊+50,警觉,盲感(2),顺劈斩,腐化法术,腐化类法术能力,制造传奇法杖,制造传奇魔法物品,制造法杖,制造魔法物品,黑暗圣言,授予法术,传奇法术专攻,无须原料,额外活动力(2轮),飞行攻击,强力顺劈斩,异常强韧,强化法术专攻,无视原料材质,改良重击,改良先攻,改良施法(10级),改良施法(11级),改良施法(12级),强化施法,法术极效,负能量脉冲,转化位面生物,,猛力攻击,快速施法,快速施展类法术能力,法术效果延长,抄写卷轴,法术专攻,击破武器,坚韧,邪恶自然打击,武器专攻,扭曲肉体,活化区域

If the random number is equal or less than the chance, it loads the spell from the weapon that hiddedthe targed, load the spell id, if it is indeed a OnHitChance-like event, it will cast the spell.


Britain is turning into a nation of "tabloid spellers"—spelling Jane Austen is a far bigger challenge for children than getting David Beckham's name right. A survey carried out by Oxford University Press in research for a new dictionary showed that only 32 percent of school-age children could spell Shakespeare correctly. Only eight percent managed Jane Austen—variations such as Jayne and Jade proved especially popular. But JK Rowling did at least win top marks for teaching the children of the world the joy of reading with her Harry Potter sagas. The young magician's school—Hogwarts—was spelt correctly by 85 percent of the kids polled. Vineeta Gupta, senior editor of Oxford's Children's Dictionaries, said:"We were surprised at how many children managed to spell even quite difficult words correctly if they had a connection with popular culture that caught their imagination." Nearly 15 percent, for example, could spell metatarsal, a word almost unheard of before David Beckham's pre-World Cup fitness problems.

英国正在变成一苏州唯亭镇总体规划个&小报拼写者&的国度——对英国的孩子来说,简·奥斯汀的名字要比大卫·贝克汉姆难拼写得多牛津大学出版社为编纂新词典进行了一项调查,发现只有32%的学龄儿童能正确拼写&莎士比亚&能拼对&简·奥斯捅的人更是只有8%——事实证明把Jane 错拼成Jayne或Jade 的人尤其多起码在让世上的孩子了解阅读的乐趣这方面,罗琳和她的哈里·波特系列传奇做得非常不错接受调查的孩子中有85%拼对了少年魔法师的学校名称——&霍格维茨&牛津出版社负责编纂儿童词典的高级编辑维尼塔·古普塔说:&我们很吃惊,有那么多孩子能正确拼写一些甚至相当难的单词,只要这些词与左右他们想象的流行文化有关举例来说

When using Swiftmend it is important to note that if one of thetanks is spiked while the Druid is reapplying Lifeblooms, the Druidshould then Swiftmend as the third spell, and reapply Rejuvenationwith the fourth spell. Likewise if a raid member falls near deathduring Lifebloom reapplication, the third and fourth spell can beused to place a Rejuvenation on them followed immediately by aSwiftmend.


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Dry Spell
The Spell
Secret Spell
I Put A Spell On You
Strange And Beautiful (I'll Put A Spell On You)
The Dark Forest (Cast Me Your Spell)
(I Put A) Spell On You
Under Your Spell
Love Spell
I Put A Spell On You

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
