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Taking the fishery stocks status of no-overfishing in the coast of Guangdong in 1964~1965 as stock structure in good condition, according to the result of background survey of 16 artificial reefs area of Guangdong during 2002~2004, the historical change of stock structure of the coast of Guangdong had been studied, combined with some relative data, the species of enhancement for the artificial reefs area of Guangdong were put forward to choose: 38 species of fish, 13 species of shrimp, 4 species of lobster, 5 species of crab, 18 species of shellfish, 8 species of holothurian, 27 species of seaweed.


The orders with high species richness were Hymenoptera (168 species), Diptera (90 species), Coleoptera (44 species), Homoptera (26 species), Hemiptera (23 species), Araneida (18 species) and Lepidoptera (12 species).


Species in Ciconiiformes, 6 species in Gruiformse, 17 species in Anseriformes, 16 species in Charadriiformes, 1 species in Gaviiformes, 1 species in Podicipedifromse, 1 species in Phalacrocoraciformes, 6 species in Lariformes. The largest number of them came from Anseriformes and Lariformes .


The results showed that the freshwater species were predominant, and 45 species of algal (5 phylums, 32 genera), in which 18 species of Bacillariophyta belong to 12 genera, 15 species of Chlorophyta one genus, 10 species of Cyanophyta 7 genera, and one specie of Euglenphyta and Chrysophyta; 37 species of zooplankton, in which 9 species of Protozoa, 14 species of Rotifera,...


In terms of faunal geographical elements of grasshopper communities, 48 species of grasshopper were recorded, belonging to 31 genera, 7 families. Among those species, the palaearctic species with 41 species recorded are dominant, accounting for 85.42% of the total species number of the region; the endemic species with 2 species, accounting for a comparable small part; the widly-distributed accounting for a relatively larger proportion, with 5 species and 10.42% of the total.


However remarkable impacts were observed in the plantation in terms of community physiognomy,community structure,species composition,species richness,and biomass accumulation.1 Planting trees made community structure simple.Betula alnoidis plantation had three layers including a dominant arbor layer,a complex and well developed shrub layer and a poorly developed vine layer.The arbor layer contained few species and had a single layer.The mountain rain forest had 4 layers including the dominant arbor layer,shrub layer,grass layer and vine layer.The vine layer was well developed and very rich in species composition,and the arbor layer contained as many as 38 species that could be grouped into 3 layers.2 Sequenced by the important value,main species for the plantation and the nature forest were totally different,and the plantation had one dominant species while the nature forest contained many dominant species.3 Planting trees changed the community physiognomy.


During the postgenomics era the information about genomic sequence and gene functions provides a new foundation for evolutionary biology and ecology As the first whole-genome sequenced plant Arabidopsis thaliana and its wild relatives have played a critical role in understanding the evolution of genomics and speciation Both A halleri and A lyrata are closely related to the model species A thaliana A halleri ssp gemmifera occurs in northeastern China Japan and Taiwan; while its sister A halleri ssp halleri is mainly distributed in Europe Geographical barriers such as Tienshan Mountain Range isolate these intraspecific sisters Likewise A lyrata ssp kamchatica and ssp lyrata occur in East Asia and North America respectively Such distribution patterns seem to be consistent with allopartic speciation The comparison between ancestral and extant polymorphism by multilocus can be informative about the population genetics of speciation In this study we collected and analyzed DNA sequences of 98 genes from four wild relatives of A thaliana A halleri ssp gemmifera A halleri ssp halleri A lyrata ssp kamchatica and A lyrata ssp lyrata The ancestral states of these four species were compared to each other in terms of level of genetic variation However the ancestral species at the time of speciation were substantially more polymorphic than the extant geographical populations The observations are not fully compatible with speciation by strict allopatry At some species pairs parapatric speciation seems more reasonable in speciation of Arabidopsis The 98 gene sequences are also used for the congruence test between gene genealogy and species phylogeny Only 28 genes support the species phylogeny but there are 23 genes supports another major genealogy { lyrata} thaliana Based on the phylogenetic position change of A lyrata ssp kamchatica and Ks value for each species pair suggested the recent directional gene flow between A halleri ssp gemmifera and A lyrata ssp kamchatica

阿拉伯芥是第一个完成基因体定序的开花植物,其基因体资讯提供植物学研究的重要依据;在解析阿拉伯芥属物种的亲缘关系以及种化机制等重要的演化议题时,阿拉伯芥近缘的野生物种自然成了不可或缺的关键;跟阿拉伯芥近缘的物种包括A halleri及A lyrata,其中A halleri ssp gemmifera主要分布於中国东北、日本以及台湾,与近缘的A halleri ssp halleri其分布於欧洲隔著天山及大陆的障蔽,而A lyrata ssp kamchatica主要分布於东北亚及台湾,与分布於北美五大湖的A lyrata ssp lyrata被北极圈所分隔,这样的分布模式暗示异域种化的可能。藉由多基因分析比较祖先物种与现生物种遗传歧异度的相关可提供讯息探讨种化时期的族群遗传结构,本研究针对A halleri ssp gemmifera、A halleri ssp halleri及A lyrata ssp kamchatica、A lyrata ssp lyrata四个物种,两对互为亚种的姊妹群,以阿拉伯芥为外群进行研究,在四个物种完成98个同源基因的分子序列,利用套装软体MCMCcoal来估算祖先物种的遗传变异,亦估算现生物种的核苷酸歧异度,观察到?多物种配对中祖先物种遗传多型性大於现生物种DNA歧异度,显示异域种化模型并无法完全解释阿拉伯芥属物种的种化模式,在某些物种配对间邻域种化模式应比异域种化更为可能;在基因树与物种树的比较,98个基因片段的亲缘模式只有28个是与已知物种树一致的,有23个基因其树状图支持{ lyrata} thaliana的型式,藉由kamchatica位置的变化以及估算各物种配对间的平均同义置换率,推测在A halleri ssp gemmifera与A lyrata ssp kamchatica间具有近代的单方向基因交流。

According to the habitat types, weed species can be induced into 5 species groups. In the edge habitat, species were almost perennials which can endure dankness. In abandoned habitat with debris, species were tall perennials of Compositae. In abandoned habitat with soil, species were almost annuals which can endure leanness. Short-lived species appeared in spring in the habitat with human disturbance taking no care of environment effects. Species which can endure trampling were prostrate perennials


A high percentage of New Guinea's species are endemic, and thousands are still unknown to science: probably well over 200,000 species of insect, between 11,000 to 20,000 plant species; over 650 resident bird species, including most species of birds of paradise and bowerbirds , parrots , and cassowaries ; over 400 amphibians ; 455 butterfly species; marsupials and monotremes including Bondegezou , Goodfellow's Tree-kangaroo , Huon Tree-kangaroo , Long-beaked Echidna , Tenkile , Agile Wallaby , Alpine Wallaby , cuscuses and possums ; and various other mammal species.

高比例的新几内亚物种是只有当地特有,那里可能有远远超过 200,000种昆虫,是科学仍然未辨认的:亦有 11,000至20,000之间的植物物种;超过 650的留鸟种,包括大部分园丁鸟,鹦鹉, cassowaries;超过 400个两栖动物,455种蝴蝶,有袋动物和单孔类,包括 Bondegezou ,古德费洛的树袋鼠,翁树袋鼠,长吻针鼹, Tenkile ,敏捷袋鼠,高山袋鼠,负鼠和 cuscuses;和其他各种哺乳类动物。

The key species in the pioneer species period is Achillea capillaries, Izeris denticulate, Salsola colliha., than the key species gradually change to Potentilla spp, Heteropappus altaicus, Cleistogenes spp in the species gradually prosperity period, Lespedeza dahurica, Stipa bungeana, Artemisia sacrorum in the species quasi-steady period, Lespedeza dahurica, Artemisia sacrorum in the species relatively steady period, Peri ploca sepium Bunge, Clematis fruticosa turcz, Spiraea spp in the bush pioneer species invasion period.


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Speaking exclusively to the Sunday Express from his home in France, Mr Tomlinson said he will reveal discussions he had within MI6 in May 1992 with a colleague about an assassination plot.


Kansas City new crop July support lies at the same as May C.B.T. prices.

堪萨斯新作物年度7月支撑与 CBOT5月小麦合约一致。

Thursday's win over Juliana and Larissa was Xue Chen and Zhang Xi's second in three meetings with the reigning SWATCH-FIVB World Tour point's champions.
