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And he vowed to keep Checkers, a cocker spaniel that had been a gift to his daughters.
他说他只收了人家送他的一条cocker spaniel(这是一种短腿、长毛、大耳朵下垂的小猎犬),不论他们说什么,我们也把它留下来。
In either case, the result was a beautiful animal, with a coat comparable to that of an Irish Setter and a temperament like a spaniel.
Later in the 1920s, breeders wanted to restore the longer shaped muzzles of the original King Charles Spaniel, which resulted in two distinct types.
后来在1920年代,育种者想要恢复的时间越长形颈圈的原国王查尔斯spaniel ,这就导致两种截然不同的类型。
The King Charles Spaniel is similar to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel except that it has a shorter nose and a more domed head.
The re-established longer muzzled variety had the name 'Cavalier' added to the title of King Charles Spaniel.
重新成立的长钳制品种有名字'骑士'添加到标题的国王查尔斯spaniel 。
The coat of the King Charles Spaniel should be brushed twice per week, especially in the areas more prone to tangling such as the chest, behind the ears and between the legs.
I had a Springer Spaniel for 10 years and it was always great to have him there to greet me when I got home and I do not think a cat would do that.
我有一只Springer Spaniel养了10年,每次我回家,他都在那里欢迎我,我不认为猫能做到这点。
The long drooping ears of the typical Spaniel are said to act as a means of sweeping the scent forward towards the muzzle when the dog is hunting.
The King Charles Spaniel adapts itself to the family activities for it's daily exercise needs.
This breed shares the same ancestry as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and were popular in both England and Europe around 3-4 centuries ago.
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Plunder melds and run with this jewel!
My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.
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