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southern hemisphere相关的网络例句

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与 southern hemisphere 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the Southern Hemisphere, sailors had to use different stars and the Southern Cross became quite well-known.


The Commonwealth of Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world's smallest continent, the major island of Tasmania and a number of other islands in the Southern, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

求中英双语介绍澳大利亚的资料。求中英双语介绍澳大利亚的资料。澳大利亚联邦(英语:Commonwealth of Australia;简称澳大利亚或澳洲)是全球面积第6大国家,也是大洋洲最大的国家。

Formerly, a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere, lying between Canis Major and the Southern Cross, now divided into four smaller constellations, Carina, Puppis, Pyxis, and Vela.


Beeches of temperate southern hemisphere except Africa: southern beech.


The transmissivity of a super hemisphere aplanatic solid immersion lens is better than that of a hemisphere solid immersion lens.


He found that both hemispheres in commissurotomy patients (those who had the corpus callosum in their brain cut out, often to stop uncontrollable epileptic seizures migrating from one side of the brain to the other) still retain high levels of distinct mental functioning with the mute right hemisphere having an inner experience of much the same order as the speaking left hemisphere.


The test results indicate that Lambert cosine radiation characteristic of the new method has a distinct improvement, and the incidence normalized curve approaches to the standard cosine curve in the 0° and 45°. Moreover,with the new mehtod, hemisphere index of reflection uniformity increases from 0.77 to 0.98 at 300 nm and the hemisphere index of reflection averagely enhances by 33% at 200~400 nm.

测试结果表明,新工艺的朗伯余弦辐射特性得到明显改善,在0°与45°入射时,归一化曲线接近标准余弦曲线;300 nm处半球反射率均匀度从0.77提高到0.98;200~400 nm处半球反射率平均提高33%;将其应用于紫外-真空紫外遥感仪器上进行了角度响应测试,漫反射特性明显优于美国2002年发射的同类仪器SBUV/2。

As the result of the pattern of decussation in the visual pathways, information about any object that we see to the left of our center of gaze is conducted from the left eye to the right hemisphere and from the right eye to the left hemisphere.


STG terminations were strongly left lateralized and overlapped with phonological activations in the left but not the right hemisphere, suggesting that only the left hemisphere phonological cortex is directly connected with the frontal lobe via the arcuate fasciculus.


Surface ozone data of Mauna Loa and the other 14 monitoring sites of altitude lower than 1000 m in the northern hemisphere were used to give a joint discussion for the distribution and variation features of surface O3. The data, based on ground observation, were collected, processed, and distributed by WDCGG (World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases) in GAW. The monthly mean and hourly data of surface ozone in these 15 sites were analyzed to sum up the difference of surface ozone annual and seasonal variations in different areas of the northern hemisphere.

利用来自GAW(Global Atmosphere Watch,全球大气监测)的、由WDCGG World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases,世界温室气体数据中心)收集整理和发布的、基于地基观测的北半球共15个站点的地面O3含量的逐月观测资料以及逐时观测资料,分析、对比并总结了北半球不同经纬度各区域的地面O3含量的年变化和各个季节的日变化规律。

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Down South
Southern Nights
Southern Gurl
North Memphis Area
It Never Rains
Your Southern Can Is Mine
Southern Rain
I'm A Southern Man
Southern Girls
It Never Rains (In Southern California)

Then, another systematic study was conducted to enzyme technology in beamhouse operation of sheep garment leather such as soaking, liming, unhairing and deliming.


Under an agreement reached in November, the two sides have established a cargo charter flight service and regular passenger flights, which used to take off only on weekends and during major festivals.

根据 11 月达成的协议,双方确定开通货运包机服务和正常客运航班,这些航班在过去只在週末和主要节日期间开通。

In history, many strange and often stinky concoctions and methods have been put forth as cures for baldness.
