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sold out相关的网络例句

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与 sold out 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Concert Torino was Sold Out,and now we can not go up on stage.


W:Onion soup,tossed green salad,veal cutlet and French bread.I'm sorry,but French bread is sold out,sir.How about soft rolls or raisin bread?


But the talk is not of flu vaccinations. It is of how to find a pharmacy that hasn't sold out of woad root.


It's hard to believe I sold out atter 20 years...


Then sold out the factory, and finally transferred to the hands of a few shareholders, of which the holder is the most important Gonzalo ...

后又将工厂转卖出去,最后转到了几位股东手上,其中最主要的持有人是Gonzalo 。。。

You sold out, you mother f**ker!

你卖了,你的母亲f **因为!

Those who can not all tofu is also sold out, so I then left into the fermented bean curd tofu marinated.


In thecourse of our audit, we have reminded the management that, due to thesharp price decline in the stock market since January 2007, aninvestment loss totaling RMB5 700 000 would be incurred if theshort-term equity securities held by your Company were sold out onMarch 10


Mr.** just buys a porthouse but now it will be sold out,because there seem to have a ghost,he tells me that he didn'y sleep last night,because he heard a strange voice ,the second days, he finds the door is knocked by a chairand his function.


The Lamborghini Reventón Coupé was presented at the 2007 IAA in Frankfurt and was sold out immediately.


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Sold Out
Sold Out Of Flagpoles
Sold Out
Who Sold Her Out
Sold Out
Sold Me Out
All Sold Out
They Sold Me Out
Sold Out

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
