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与 soil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The study show that the frozen earth in this area is mainly silty clay. The content of the dissolvable solt is relative high,which is 12.01%, and the main salinity is NaCL and KCL. The research also revealed that frozen intensity would ascend jumpily when the water contend in the soil reached its optimization( 10.61%) and kept rising,and this phenomena got more obvious with the decrease of the temperature. Between 0C and 10C, the frozen intensity vared very obviously, when the temperature is under -10C, the variety of frozen intensity got gently, and the change is not obvious. The frozen strength was influenced by the solution thickness in the soil hole.when the thickness increased, the frozen intensity decreased.


Exploiting new water and soil resources, improving water and soil use efficiency and digging up the potential of water and soil are important to develop modem forest production. The common feature of building new shelter belt system in different areas with extra emphasis on different facets of forestry is to combine ecologic benefit, economic benefi and social benefit into one. It fully gives expression to the common requirement of modem oasis forestry and modem agriculture.


Taking a winter wheat field (4 400 m2) of Jinghai county seed farm as experimental plot,sampling by regular grid with with 10 m ×10 m grids,48 sample points were oriented by GPS receipt machine to analyze soil water content at the depth of 0~20 and 20~40 cm in pri-winter,jointing stage and filling stage of winter wheat.The spatial distribution map of soil water of the winter wheat field using geostatistical analyst model of ARC/INFO was drew.And the spatial variability of soil water in vertical and horizontal direction was analyzed.The results could offer scientific evidence for the deciding of the exact time and quantity for winter irrigation.

以天津市静海县良种场内一块长约110m,宽约40m的冬小麦田作为试验区,采用规则格网采样,按照10 m ×10m设置格网,共设48个采样点,通过GPS手持机进行定位,分别于小麦越冬前、拔节期、灌浆期,利用便携式土壤湿度数据采集器对试验地各个采样点0~20、20~40 cm 2种深度土壤含水量进行了测定,利用ARC/INFO的地统计分析模块绘制了冬小麦3个不同生育期试验区土壤水分空间分布图,并分析了其垂直和水平方向的空间变异特征,以期为确定最佳灌溉时机和灌溉量提供科学依据。

The results indicated that the surface salt contents in the spring of 2006 were the highest among the three samplings, the surface soil salt contents declined from spring to summer of 2006, and the change of surface soil salt contents was not obvious from summer to autumn/winter of 2006. The variation of surface soil salt contents was related to rainfall greatly.


Uses the soil bonsai to carry on the root nodule bacteria and the alfalfa highly effectiveparagenesis match experiment, in the simulation production practice the big field soil environment,conducts the research to the root nodule bacteria in soil compatibility.


At growth period of Moso bamboo, because the root has not grown completely and has little influence on rhizosphere soil, so the score was the highest. The score of rhizosphere soil decreases as the growth and root gradual development of Moso bamboo. The rhizosphere soil quality increased at later stage of Moso bamboo because of gradually weakened growth and the increased litter and microorganism activity.3.The demands for nutrients of Moso bamboo at different growth periods were different. It was different in the demand for nutrients of Moso bamboo at different growth period.


The spatial heterogeneity of soil water in alpine meadow is found to be the highest, and that of the soil water in alpine shrub is comparatively low. What is more, the spatial heterogeneity of soil mater in desert grassland shows an unstable trend influenced by many outside factors.


In order to explore the effects of different forest types on soil active carbon pool,the content and density of soil organic carbonwere studied in different soil horizons under typical coniferous and broadleaved forests in the mountainous area of Beijing.


Its main advantages are: 1 Ploughshares former can Geng Sada narrow, sharp-angle, and then a small field can be competent. 2, spiral Ploughshares high-speed rotation, tillage Shulan soil formation, may omit rake mud, soil and other pressure Suitu site preparation process. 3, spiral Ploughshares work will push the soil later, will pull the machine forward traction, it can effort can be smaller engine-driven. 4, the spiral Ploughshares work itself traction to overcome the original style, to break through resistance to the plow, the machine tray can be fitted with the lower part of farming feet deep mud paddy field. 5, the spiral Ploughshares put on the handling round, you can use the drive shaft Ploughshares handling round, 20-30 cm wide in the small mountain ridge or drive to complete removal. 6, according to the plane of principle, can also be designed as a multi-Ploughshares, or a variety of forms, suitable for large-scale farming machinery Plain.


SRL was slightly higher of white maize and black maize in Cd and pyrene contaminated soil than that in uncontaminated soil. SRA, ARD and SRV of white maize and black maize decreased in Cd and pyrene contaminated soil compared to control, but the difference was not significant between the two treatments.


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Soil To The Sun
Red Soil
As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
This Mortal Soil
Soil, Soil

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
