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与 soil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The influence of long-term application of fertilizers and tillage under conditions of 12-year rice-based cropping system on soil nitrogen fertility was studied on Taihu region of the south Jiangsu Province. The results showed that total N content in the soil layer of 0~5 cm reached 2.89% in the long-term fallowed soil. The treatment of fallow in combination with plowing every crop season reduced total N content to 2%, occupying 70%of the M value.


Soil samples were collected from a 17-year fertilization experiment site in southern Loess Plateau to study the effects of different fertilizations and fallowing on the characteristics of soil nitrogen mineralization, and the transformation of exogenous NO3(superscript -)-N in sterilized and non-sterilized soil samples.


After two rice-wheat rotations, 11%–13% of applied labeled N remained in 0-60 cm soil (mostly in the 0-20 cm soil); leaching of labeled urea applied in rice season was little (only 0.6%–1.1% of the applied N accumulated in 20-60 cm soil), and the leaching of fertilizer N occurred in wheat season and the beginning flooding period of the next rice season; 47%–54% of applied fertilizer N was lost and ammonia emission and nitrification-denitrification were the main pathways.

水稻季施用的肥料氮向耕层以下移动很少,20—60 cm土层中累积肥料氮仅占施氮量的0.6%~1.1%,主要发生在小麦季及水稻泡田时期,肥料氮损失占施氮量的47~54%,氨挥发和硝化反硝化气态损失是主要途径。

Before using additive,we should test soil to find which additive was useful for soil.Clay was a good additive for making compound fertilizer,but it also had defect for soil and corp.


The results showed:(1)Nitrogen addition changed the soil physical and chemical properties, enhancing the content of NO3—- N available resources in the soil, increasing the plants height and cover, reducing the vegetation light penetration. With increasing of N addition, both the species richness and the diversity decrease sharply (P 0.001).(2)N addition increased the aboveground biomass significantly (P 0.05). With increasing of N addition, the aboveground biomass increased first then decreased, and the grasses biomass increased while the forbs and legumes biomass decreased.(3)There was a significant linear positive relationship between species richness and vegetation light penetration (P 0.05), and also between aboveground biomass and soil NO3—- N content (P 0.05). The relationship between aboveground biomass and species richness was negative upon enhanced N supply.

结果表明:(1)氮素添加提高了土壤中NO3—- N等可利用资源的含量,增加了植物群落植被的盖度,减小了植被的透光率,随着施氮量的增加群落中物种丰富度显著降低(P 0.001);(2)氮素添加显著改变了植物群落地上生产力(P 0.05),随着施氮量的增加地上生产力呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势,各功能群中禾草生物量显著增加,而杂草和豆科生物量随施氮量增加逐渐减少;(3)物种多样性与植被透光率呈线性正相关(P 0.05);地上生产力与土壤NO3—- N含量呈线性正相关(P 0.05);随着施氮量的增加物种丰富度与生产力之间呈负相关关系。

The ecologicalcharacteristics of community structure, species diversity, its ecological effects on soil health,and eco-system functions of soil water holding capacities, water and soil conservation effectswere studied symmatically in Nverzhai watershed , which was the key experiment anddemonstration spot of the Yangtze River Proctction Fores.


Land resources problem water soil loss soil pollution soil gleying rational use countermeasure.

豫南农专学报,,编辑部邮箱 1991年 01期土地资源;问题;水土流失;土壤污染;合理利用;对策

The most difficult step in analyzing soil-pile interaction in liquefied ground by using the Beam on Nonlinear Winkler Foundation method is how to determine p-y curves for liquefied soil, and consequently many attempts have been made for investigating p-y curves of the liquefying soil.


Experiment 5: Species diversity of AMF community colonized in roots of herbages in limestone and purple soil The species diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in roots of various herbages were studied in this paper. Seventeen common herbages were selected as host plants of AMF colonization in this research and they were grown in limestone soil and purple soil, respectively.

试验5:石灰土上草本植物根系内丛枝菌根真菌多样性特征利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和银染显影技术,比较了生长于石灰土和紫色土上的草本植物根系内的丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)群落的物种多样性特征。

The soil desiccation as a soil degradation is existed widely in the artificial forest of hot-dry river valley, for instance the simple community structure, the low plant species diversity and a long time - soil desiccation.


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Soil To The Sun
Red Soil
As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
This Mortal Soil
Soil, Soil

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
