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与 soil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The mycorrhizal formation,inoculation effectiveness,extraradical fungal biomass and P uptake contribution of six arbuscular mycorrhizal isolates screened from South China,Center China and North China on typical cinnamon soil,brown soil and red soil collected in above three regions were investigated using three-compartment glass-bead culture system associated with maize.


Measured the basic physical parameters of unsaturated soils in Three Gorges Reservoir area; 2 measured the initial sample matric suction using the unsaturated triaxial testing system, which can be used to evaluate the unsaturated soil strength and stress; 3 the drying and moisture absorption experiments were executed using the Tempe apparatus, and got the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve, permeability coefficients of every stress level were simulated according to the parameters from the SWCC; 4 the unsaturated soil strength tests were carried out using the GDS triaxial testing system, then got the Mohr circle and shear strength parameters; the results from different stress paths were compared; meanwhile, the axial strain-stress ratio-volume strain curve of different matric suction and different radial pressure was got, as well as their relationship; The research, which provided the necessary data and reference for Three Gorges Reservoir area geologic disaster, is the basic component of Three Gorges Reservoir geologic disaster prevention and research, and experimental results will be used directly in the project.

1量测了三峡库区非饱和土的基本物性参数; 2用非饱和土三轴试验仪量测了试样的初始基质吸力,为评估非饱和土的强度和应力水平提供参考; 3用Tempe仪和体积压力板仪进行了非饱和土的干燥和吸湿试验,得到了土-水特征曲线,并根据其参数拟合出各级吸力状态下对应的渗透系数; 4用GDS三轴仪进行了强度试验,得到了Mohr圆和抗剪强度参数;并比较分析了不同应力路径下试验结果;同时得到不同吸力和不同围压下轴向应变-应力比-体应变的关系曲线和其相互关系。该研究是三峡库区地质灾害防治研究工作的基础性工作,其结果将直接应用到工程实际中,为三峡库区地质灾害提供必要的数据和参考。

Fifty-five groups test data of coarse-grained soil, fine soil and special soil were computed by the model.


The purpose of researching the fields of stubble is that corn stalks will be aimed at post-harvest stubble part, above ground and below-ground stubble of the main stem and crush evenly Hunban in the topsoil, To loose soil and increase soil organic matter, improve the physical properties of the soil, increase the aggregate structure function.


Three groups of rhizosphere soil samples of healthy and infected by Verticillium wilt cotton plants were collected from Shihezi cultivated area in Xinjiang, and numbers of microbe, soil nutrients and soil enzymes were measured.


Comparing with traditional cultivation system (two seasons planting cucumber with fallowing in summer), planting leafy vegetable anti garlic in summer increased the yields of the two crops anti the soil microbial biomass carbon content, total microbial population, and sucrase activity, decreased the amounts of soil nematode and root-knot nematode, and maintained a relative high Shannon-Weaver index. Planting crown daisy, garlic, and spinach in summer increased soil sucrase activity by 8.9%, 89.5%, and 36.9%, and the planting of crown daisy and garlic also increased the Shannon-Weaver index by 7.7% and 9.4%, respectively.


The soil and water losses are very light and its difference is not notable in woodland of different tillage mode of economic forest, relatively the soil and water losses is lighter hi protecting slope model than in clearing model in low crown density benching economic forest such as Chinese chestnut, but the soil and water losses is lighter in clearing model than in protecting slope in high crown density benching economic forest such as bayberry.


Five models such as pear ×Forsythia suspensa/peanut, pear/peanut, nectarine ×Forsythia suspense / peanut, nectarine/ peanut and rape/ peanut were set up in the catchment area of Honghua Reservoir in Shiwan small watershed of Kaixian county, the observed and counted items include: Investment cost, economic income, pear and nectarine crown size, soil bulk density , porosity of soil , fibrous roots size and soil nutrients.


Third, water, soil, plant trees to be maintained, it is necessary to use tree planting to curb soil erosion, afforestation must be, because the trees are as large as the crown of the root system, like giant hands firmly grasp the general soil.


According to the basic theory of the soil mechanics and the comparison of two different experimental methods with different test instruments-electric heat drying cabinet and microwave oven, the water content of 30 groups of cohesive soil and 30 groups of cohsionless soil are tested.


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Soil To The Sun
Red Soil
As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
This Mortal Soil
Soil, Soil

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
