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与 soil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These issues mainly include simulation offlexible soil container, selection of dynamic constitution model of soil, simulation of the changing-status non-linearity on soil-structure interface, meshing, treatment of reinforcements in structure,using of symmetry principle and so on.


In practice, developments of crop technology include the same sort of practices adopted elsewhere in the world, namely: to utilize soil and plant testing services to predict N and P requirements, the need for soil amendments to improve soil structure, pH and salinity levels, infestation levels of take-all, the need for additional N after crop emergence, and so on; monitoring the crop's development after emergence, which is practised amongst the more advanced growers; and computer assisted services are used to help with these practices.


The paper focuses on the tetraploidy black locust on Loess plaeatu of West Shanxi province, applys steady state promoter method and image processing technology to study the days transpiration water consumption in different weather ,different seasons and different site conditions,has primary analysis on the impact of environment on the transpiration and carries on the calculation to the tetraploidy locust tree by the single leaf water consumption to the single tree water consumption in CaiJiachuan watershed; Uses fast weighing method to measure and analyze the transpiration water consumption of five different herbs under the tetraploidy black locust forest (Capillary Wormwood,Vanilla,Agropyron Sristatum , Common Sowthistle and Medicago Sativa) in short time, in the same and different growcrop,and calculates the average transpiration water consumption per square metres ;the soil colome weighing method was used for determining diumal variation quantity of soil moisture evaporation, analyzing the dynamic variation and caculating the total quantity of soil evaporation water consumption from May to August ; then 5 kind of suppositions about the types of surface vegetation coverage are proposed in experimented site and the total evapotranspiration water consumption are calculated under 5 suppoitions ,aim at providing preliminary theoretic basis for ascertaining the transpiration water consumption of tetraploidy black locust forest,controling standing forest density and optimizing the forest grass deploy on loess plaeatu of west Shanxi province .


The thixotropy of wetland soil is studied at three depths of soil, which can obtain the coupling effect of depth and stewing time on recovery of soil shear strength.


The result indicated that suitable thickness of paddy soil is about 15cm,and for dry arable land it should not be lower than 20cm;The alluvial rivers parent material is the best one to influent the output,the rice fields is the worst with the parent material of slate ground,while the dry and plough land is the worst for its purple sand shale parent material;The paddy rice is best with the acid soil,and the dry crop is the best with the neutral soil;The obstacles horizon exist in 35.2%of the rice fields in research region,and many for middle or top digit obstacles.

结果表明,水稻土的适宜耕层厚度为15 cm左右,旱耕地适宜耕层厚度应不低于20cm;成土母质对产量的影响以河湖沉积物母质最好,稻田以板页岩母质最差,旱耕地以紫色砂页岩母质最差;水稻以酸性土最好,旱作以中性土最好;研究区稻田有35.2%的存在障碍层,且多为中、高位障碍,是影响水稻产量整体提高的主要因素;水稻和旱作都以壤土为最好,其中,稻作怕砂,旱作怕粘;水稻土适宜的容重为1.00—1.29 g/cm~3。

Among the environmental factors , both soil organic carbon and annual precipitation were the most important factors affecting TSN in the 0 - 20 cm layers. In t he 20 - 40 cm soil layer , TSN was most affected by soil organic carbon.

而各环境因素中影响土壤全氮含量最主要的因素,0~20 cm土层为土壤有机碳和年降水量,20~40 cm土层主要受土壤有机碳的影响。

Based on the finite strain theory, a subroutine‐UEL for ABAQUS is developed , and the residual pore pressure under wave load is computed, and stability of soil around pipeline and seabed is analyzed. Regarding the liquefaction soil as model, a subroutine‐UMAT for ABAQUS is developed , and the behavior of pipeline in liquefaction soil analysis qualitatively.


The research is about the reuse of urban sewage for virescence irrigation, and the influence of sewage irrigation on eco-environment such as soil, plant, etc. is studied. Under the condition of field sewage irrigation, the transport and transformation and accumulation mechanism of heavy metals, nutrients and organic pollutants as vaporizable hydroxybenzene etc. in the soil-plant system are analyzed. The heavy metal pollution is evaluated by the comprehensive pollution index. The spatial variability of heavy metals in sewage irrigation area is further understood. The spatial variability of heavy metals and physical and chemical properties of soil are reflected in a more straight way by the theory model of variance function curve based on the geographical information system.


And then the effect of precipitation to water and heat character of soil is analyzed. The results indicate that the level which precipitation effect water and heat character of soil is different under different precipitation intensity. The affect degree of precipitation to surface physical variate is similar in winter and in summer, but the time that soil return to normal state is different, which in winter is longer than in summer.


The sixth part: Studies on the dynamic changes of soil retention function value of ecosystem in YUYANG District. Utilized ERDAS8. 5 to interpret the remote sensing image and get LUCC data and vegetation information of YUYANG District. Utilized R2V5. 5 to digitize administrative map, topographic map, vegetation picture, soil distribution map and meteorological website map. Utilized ARCINFOR8. 3 to change every digitization layer to the same projection, to generate Tyson polygon, to structure DEM and do vector polygon overlay. Utilized ARC VIE W3. 3 to obtain the grid data topographic slope and slope length from DEM data of YUYANG District, and then, turned every coverage layer into grid layer and do grid polygon overlay to gain data about dynamic changes of value of soil retention of ecosystem in YUYANG District, at last, the author analyzed the features of the spatial-temporal changes and its reason.The seventh part: Studies on the dynamic changes of fixing drifting sand against wind function value of ecosystem in YUYANG District.


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Soil To The Sun
Red Soil
As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
This Mortal Soil
Soil, Soil

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
