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与 soil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cm.℃.min-1,0.344 J.-1 and 0.311 J.-1.The average thermal diffusivity is 0.244~0.247cm2.min-1.By pressing soil and using lichen coat,the reforesting technique of catchment can lighten the bad effect of nudity soil,and can lower down average topsoil temperature by 0.2~1.5 ℃, maximum topsoil temperature by 2.7~4.0 ℃, topsoil temperature amplitude by 2.5~3.7 ℃, and depress 11%~25%soil thermal flux and 4%~15%soil evaporation.

拍光压实后喷涂引植地衣、苔藓,可有效缓解地表裸露后产生的负影响,在生长季可降低表层均温0.2~1.5 ℃,降低最高表层土温2.7~4.0℃,降低表层土温日较差2.5~3.7 ℃,降低土壤热通量11%~25%,有效降低土壤蒸发4%~15%。

The δ〓C values of soil CO〓 become gradually light with depth increasing and are stable at certain depth; The δ〓C values of soil respired CO〓 are within the δ〓C values of soil CO〓; The δ〓C values of soil respired have same changing pattern with that of plants.


6Moreover measures to control acid rain by liming in polluted area to neutralize resulted in reducing averagely 0.13 pH of soil, and the element content in soil had been improved gradually. The number of microbes had been increased in the No.2, No.3 and No.4 plots in polluted area. The quantity of bacteria had sored to 8.0×109per kilogram soil and N2-fixing bacteria also get 2.5×107per kilogram soil in Spring.


In present study,~(60)Co γ-rays was used to irradiate soil with doses of 3.0 kGy and 25.0 kGy,respectively,to discriminate between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and other soil microorganisms,while soil without irradiation was used as control to study the effects of soil microorganisms on uptake of ~(89)Sr by ryegrass and bahia grass.

用3.0和25.0 kGy剂量的60Coγ射线分别对供试土壤进行了辐照处理,以区分土壤中的内生菌根菌和其他土壤微生物;并以未经辐照处理的土壤为对照研究了土壤微生物对黑麦草和百喜草吸收89Sr的影响。

In present study, ^60Co γ-rays was used to irradiate soil with doses of 3.0 kGy and 25.0 kGy, respectively, to discriminate between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and other soil microorganisms, while soil without irradiation was used as control to study the effects of soil microorganisms on uptake of ^89Sr by ryegrass and bahia grass.


The physical characteristics of water in the soil included soil bulk density, MWHC, capillary water holding capacity and least water holding capacity were also measured by soaking and discharging experiments with samples of soil from different soil depths in all studied communities.


The results showed that there were significant differences among fungal species or ecotypes in all above index,which varied with soil types.First,six fungi could colonize maize root on three soils,and the fungal colonization rate was higher on soil collected in the region that had been screened for cinnamon soil and brown soil.


The effects of earthworm on soil enzyme activities,microbiomass carbon,microbiomass nitrogen and the growth of apple tree were studied by pot experiment,using the orchard cinnamon soil,brown soil and fluvo-aquic soil and two-year old'Red Fuji' appleMalus domestica Borkh.

以果园褐土、潮土和棕壤以及2年生红富士苹果(Malus domestica Borkh。)幼树为试材,在盆栽条件下,通过向盆土埋放蚯蚓,研究蚯蚓对土壤酶、土壤微生物量碳和氮以及苹果根系和新梢生长的影响。

In this thesis, with regard to the stability and deformation of the strut frame made of composed soil nails in soft clay foundation pit, the studies listed below are carried out, considering current research and design status of the soil nailed retaining structure. 1、This paper begins with the concept of the strut frame made of composed soil nails, analyzing the composition and the technique of the construction of the strut frame made of composed soil nails.

本文鉴于软粘土地区深基坑工程土钉支护结构的研究及设计现状,在前人研究的基础上,就复合土钉支护软粘土基坑的稳定性和变形展开相应的专题研究,主要完成了以下几个方面的工作: 1、从复合土钉支护结构的概念入手,对其结构组成、构造形式以及施工方法进行了综合分析。

In each of the three effect factors, the main items are: crown cover—crown density and thickness of the crown; litter layer——dry weight of the litter on each unit area, thickness of the litter and the biggest amount of holding water in the litter; soil——soil porosity, soil capillary space and soil moisture content.


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As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
This Mortal Soil
Soil, Soil

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
