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与 soil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Result shows that the weathering rates were very low (usually lower than 1.0 keq × ha-1× a-1) for allite (including red earth, lateritic red earth, red earth, yellow earth, and yellow-brown earth) in south China and silalsol (consisting of dark brown forest soil, black soil, and podzolic soil) in northeast China, but very high for xerosol and alpine soil in northwest China.

总的说来,中国南方富铝土区域(包括砖红壤带、赤红壤带、红壤黄壤带和黄棕壤带)以及东北的硅铝土区域(包括暗棕壤黑土带和漂灰土带)的土壤风化速率较低(通常低于1.0 keq × ha-1× a-1),而西北地区干旱土和高山土的风化速率则较高。

Secondly, I study the expermets about the heat-moisture migration, analyze moisture transfer and correlation theory of the temperature field in the frozen soil , analysis comparally the temperatue field ,the moisture field, dynamical sources , and the water transport rate and so on of the moisture and temperature transfer both in the soft rock materical and in the frozen soil, gained the consistency and the difference in the heat-moisture migration about the soft rock materical and the frozen soil under the same condtion, the heat-moisture migration of the soft rock materical is accord with the correlation theory of the capillary porous colloid's heat and mass transfer, the theory caused moisture transfer of frozen soil is applied samely in the soft rock materical.


In Eucalyptus forestland, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, available potassium contents and soil PH decreased significantly; soil available phosphorus and exchangeable magnesium contents, net nitrogen mineralization rate and ammonification rate also decreased but showed no significant difference. In shrubland, soil exchangeable calcium content increased significantly, but the contents of other nutrients had no significant change.


Study on 6 soil enzyme activities and 7 siol fertility factors of 12 different planting modes,analyse the dates with the correlation analysis and the canonical correalation analysis,In order to reveal the relations between the soil enzyme activities and soil fertilities in the low hill lands along Yantze River , The result of the correlation analysis showed that they had a great relation between the soil enzyme activities and siol fertility factors.


Results showed that the activity of soil enzymes was obviously different.Among the different vegetation types,the activity of soil enzymes under Tilia mandshurica forests was the highest except peroxidase,whereas that under shrub-grass was the lowest.The activity of soil urease and alkaline phosphate under shrub was higher than that under the mixed forests.Activity of soil catalase and phosphate under Larix principis-rupprechtii forests was higher than that under Pinus tabulaeformis.


The result of GPR investigation in west Jilin shows that the radar waveform of saline-alkali soil is different from that of tillable soil, and this can be used to distinguish tillable soil from saline-alkali soil. The extent of salinization can be determined according to the relativity of spectra.


The content of soil ulmin,and the entire nitrogen have slightly rise; compares to 20 years ago , the average content of soil effective phosphorus has slightly increased,but the condition that the soil lack of the phosphorus is still obviously;Athough the content of fast-acting potassium has slightly down,it still stand in a low level,so the soil can't satisfies the needs of the plant normal live.


This paper,describes the RIC construction technology and its equipments,introduces construction process and compaction scheme,analyzes parameters of uncompacted fill soil and gravel-soil,compacted fill soil,and abutment backside soil,and reviews detection method.


Over a 20-year period there was no increase in soil water content in the grazed grassland at depths of 2~9.9 m. There was a small increase(0.5~3.7 mm/a) in soil water content in the protected grassland, however the slow rate of increase suggests that at least 150 years would be needed for ungrazed grassland soils to regain water content similar to that present prior to planting trees. Recharge of deep soil moisture was faster in cropland(15 mm/a), but at this rate it would still take about 40 years to restore cropland soil water content to pre-plantation conditions.

结果表明,人工林死后的放牧荒坡在20a的时间里,其土壤水分没有补偿;人工林死后的保护草地土壤水分有微弱恢复迹象,但年恢复速度在0.5~3.7 mm之间,以这样的速度恢复到持续放牧荒坡的土壤含水量,至少需要150a以上;林后农地土壤含水量有恢复趋势,年平均恢复速度为15 mm左右,其土壤含水量要恢复到持续农地当前的水平,大约需要40a的时间。

Planted forests can deplete deep soil water, forming an obstacle to sustainable land use in the semi-arid area of Loess Plateau. The purpose of this study was to examine effects of grazing and cropping on replenishment of deep soil water where forest plantations had depleted soil moisture at depths of 2~9.9 m. We compared soil moisture on plantation plots with that on plots where plantations were replaced by crops, grazed grassland, and ungrazed grassland seperately.


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Soil To The Sun
Red Soil
As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
This Mortal Soil
Soil, Soil

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
