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与 soil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was obvious that soil salt accumulated in deep soil of farmland and soil salt accumulated in surface horizon of uncropped soil.


Compared with conventional fertilizer application pattern , soil infiltration capacity , water-conserving ability , water availability and water use efficiency under hole-source pattern were all increased to different degree . Water distribution on soil profile, especially the soil water distribution in root zone was more reasonable . Therefore , modulating function of soil reservoir could elaborate effectively .


Lasius Tetramorium and Achaeta were the dominant groups that accounted for 49.20% of the total individuals. The results suggested that the types of land use affected the species richness and abundance, and human activity has a significant impact on the soil macro-animals community. Agricultural activity reduced soil macro-animal diversity, but did not change their vertical distributions in the soil profile. The results also showed that the differences in the composition of the soil macro-animal community between the middle plain and the west plain in Jilin Province were mainly explained by the dominant group density and rare group numbers in all habitats.


Soil available N was positively correlated with spore density of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Dioscorea opposite, and hyphal and total percent colonization of Adenophora borealis, while negatively correlated with arbuscular colonization of Aster tataricus; Soil available P exhibited a positive correlation with arbuscular colonization of Salvia miltiorrhiza and vesicular colonization of Dioscorea opposite, while a negative correlation with spore density of Platycodon grandiflorus and vesicular colonization of Atractylodes macrocephala; Spore density of Bupleurum Chinense had a positive affection with soil organic matter; Soil pH was negatively correlated with hyphal and total colonization of Adenophora borealis and spore density of Bupleurum chinense, while positively correlated with spore density of Adenophora borealis.


The soil nutrient, soil microorganisms and soil enzyme activities of soil under five different stands in Alar were studied.


Spore density had a significant positive correlation on the colonization of different structure, colonization intensity was very significantly correlated with soil organic matter and soil available P, arbuscule abundance had a significant negative correlation with soil available P, spore density had a positive correlation on soil available P.


The pattern of vertical distribution of organic matter in mangrove soil reflected the roots distribution. Surface roots were abundant in Avicennia marina forest, so organic matter of soil in top layer (0-20cm) was the most there. However, the organic matter of soil in Kandelia candel forest was the most in middle layer (20-40cm) because roots were abundant in middle layer while there were fewer roots on surface soil. Content of organic matter in bottom layer (40-60cm) was generally lower in two mangrove forests.


The results showed that adding lime could improve the growth of sisal effectively and inhibit the uptake of heavy metals on Cu polluted soil. When soil Cu was 500mg/kg, the best dosage was 3375kg/hm2. When soil Cu was 1000mg/kg the best dosage was 4500kg/ hm2, this combination of sisal and calcareousness could transplant Cu twice time more than that of only plant sisal. When soil Cu was 2000mg/kg adding calcareousness could effectively improve the growth of sisal.


Nutrition solution culture, ICP-AES, the differential centrifugation technique and sequential chemical extraction method, suppression subtractive hybridization , RAPD were used in this thesis to study the mechanisms of copper tolerance and accumulation by Commelina communis grown in copper mine deposit which was reported to be a Cu hyperaccumulator, compared with C. communis grown in normal soil. Several aspects were examined, including: difference of copper tolerance and accumulation between C. communis grown in copper mine deposit and that grown in normal soil; difference of growth and nutrient accumunation between C. communis grown in copper mine deposit and that grown in normal soil under copper treatment; physiological differences between between C. communis grown in copper mine deposit and that grown in normal soil under copper treatment; subcellular distribution and chemical forms of Cu in C. communis; identification of cDNA fragments differentially expressed in C. communis grown in copper mine deposit; genetic diversity and copper tolerance of C. communis, tolerance mechanisms to copper in C. communis are discussed.

中文题名鸭跖草对铜的耐性机理和富集特征研究副题名外文题名 Mechanisms of Cu tolerance and accumulation by Commelina communis 论文作者廖斌导师蓝崇钰束文圣学科专业环境科学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中山大学学位授予日期2003 论文页码总数128页关键词重金属污染植物修复超富集植物土壤污染铜污染鸭跖草馆藏号BSLW /2003 /X53 /12 论文以本实验室报道的生长于矿山上的铜超富集植物鸭跖草和生长于正常土壤中的鸭跖草为试验材料,分别运用溶液培养法、ICP-AES元素测定技术、差速离心法和化学试剂逐步提取法、抑制消减杂交技术、RAPD技术研究了矿山和非矿山两种生境鸭跖草对铜的耐性和吸收积累的差异,两种生境鸭跖草在铜胁迫下养分吸收和积累的差异,两种生境鸭跖草在铜胁迫下生理反应的差异,以及铜在鸭跖草细胞内的分布及结合形态研究,矿山鸭跖草差异表达的cDNA克隆,铜对鸭跖草种群遗传分化的影响,从这几个方面探讨了矿山鸭跖草对铜的耐性机理。

The chemistry behavior research of wollastonite indicated that the silicon-potassium fertilizer has a chemical active in organic acid.The factors affecting manurial effect of silicon-potassium fertilizer are not only soil pH and desilicification,but also content and type of organ in the soil.Wollastonite chemistry behavior indicates that silicic acid can be dissolved out from silicon-potassium fertilizer in chlorhydric acid solution if pH of solution is not smaller than 2. The drop of apparent density,increase of DBP sorptive rate and specific surface for leavings indicate that hydrated silicon oxide is polyporous,and those mineralogic feature presignify that silicon-potassium fertilizer has a role of conservation of both Moisture and Fertility and improving soil structure.After active ingredient releasing,silicon-potassium fertilizer leaves half the substance (non-active ingredient)in soil.


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Soil To The Sun
Red Soil
As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
This Mortal Soil
Soil, Soil

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
