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与 soil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So,in this thesis,with regard to the stability and deformation of composite soil-nailing in soft clay foundation pit, the studies listed below were carried out, considering current research and design status of the soil nailed retaining structure. 1 Based on the use of leading pile with soil nailing protection, studied the work mechanism of mini-pile with composite soil-nailing, the model of stability analysis of the composite soil-nailing is established and examined by analysis engineering case.

因此本文鉴于软粘土地区深基坑工程土钉支护结构的研究及设计现状,在前人研究的基础上,就复合土钉支护软粘土基坑的稳定性和变形展开相应的专题研究,主要完成了以下几个方面的工作: 1针对软土条件超前桩的应用,研究了桩加土钉的复合土钉支护机理,建立了复合土钉支护稳定性分析模型和计算公式,并对工程实例进行计算分析,检验了模型。

The results showed that the spatial distribution range of soil fertility in Qinling forest area on south slope was soil pH volue 5.97~6.89,organic matter 6.6~50.1 g·kg~-1, total N 0.5~3.8 g·kg~-1 ,available N 33.6~257.3 mg·kg~-1,available P 0.81~5.8 mg·kg~-1,available K 38.9~262.4 mg·kg~-1,clay particle content 11.3%~18.1%,capacity of exchangeable base 68.5~310.2 mmol·kg~-1 respectively; The spatial variation degree of available P, organic matter, and total N was big,whereas clay particle content and active acid pH value was small;the spatial variation degree of soil pH value, organic matter, available P, clay particle content, and capacity of exchangeable base decreased with the deep of soil,whereas soil total N、available N, and available K increased.

结果表明,秦岭南坡土壤肥力指标在整个土壤剖面空间分异范围分别为:土壤pH值5.97~6.89,有机质含量6.6~50.1 g·kg-1,土壤全N含量0.5~3.8 g·kg-1,碱解N含量33.6~257.3 mg·kg-1,速效P含量0.81~5.8 mg·kg-1,速效K含量38.9~262.4 mg·kg-1,粘粒含量11.3%~18.1%,阳离子代换量68.5~310.2 mmol·kg-1;其空间分异程度以速效P、有机质和土壤全N含量较大,土壤粘粒含量和土壤pH值较小;随着土层的加深,土壤pH值、有机质、速效P、土壤粘粒含量和阳离子代换量空间分异程度减小,而土壤全N、碱解N和速效K含量空间分异程度增大。

Applied with test of potted plant and measurement absorbency for study response of the contents of photosynthetic pigments of slash pine's half-sib under water stress. There are 7 families comparison with general slash pine. The contents of photosynthetic pigments are mensurated under feebleness water stress while soil water content is 55% to 60% and moderate water stress while soil water content is 35% to 40% and heavy water stress while soil water content is 20% to 25%. The test result indicate that either water grads or families of chlorophyll and chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b and Chla/Chlb and carotenoid and Caro/Chl are mighty notable difference. The Chl and Chla and Chlb and Chla/Chlb little drop from normal soil water to initial water stress. Then drop obvious with increased water stress. The Caro and Caro/Chl little drop firstly from normal soil water to initial water stress,then up in metaphase water stress,after drop in evening water stress. The Chl and Chla and Chlb and Chla/Chlb and Caro of slash pine'half-sib are over general slash pine. The Chl and Chla and Chlb and Chla/Chlb and Caro of 464 and 1027 are over average value of slash pine's half-sib under water stress. The Caro/Chl of 609 and 46 are over average value of slash pine's half-sib under water stress.


The study on the inherent relations of microbial biomass in red soil with soil nutrient cycling and ryegrass growth shows that the microbial biomass was not only significantly correlated with soil organic C, total N and available N, but also highly correlated with dry matter yield and N uptake of plants,indicating that soil microbial biomass could be used as an important indicator for soil fertility and plant production.

研究了红壤微生物量与土壤养分循环及植物生长的内在联系。结果表明,红壤微生物量不仅与土壤有机碳、全氮、有效氮等显著相关,而且与植物干物质产量及吸N 量也存在着良好的相关性,可作为指示红壤肥力水平和作物产量的重要指标。

The characters of karsts soil are four:(1) soil layer is thin and the soil is barren;(2) the soil is not continuously distribution and separated by the stone-teeth;(3) water and soil resources are separated;(4) slopping field is more, the flat is few.


3 Through inquiring, inspecting, contrasting and analysing the information of soil basis classification, the Soil Taxonomy of Hubei province is established. The soils for Hubei province are divided into 10 soil orders, 16 suborders, 35 great groups and 54 subgroups. Compared with international soil systematics such as the American Soil

1.2 通过对数据库系统的查询检索,可快速地获得全省160多个典型剖面的景观特征、诊断指标和诊断属性等标准化的土壤信息数据,从而得到全省土壤系统分类的土系分类归属,可为全省土壤调查、土地资源评价与规划提供基础资料。

According to the Chinese Soil Taxonomic Classification(Revised Proposal, 1995)and our data and information for classification of Linze zone in the Hexi corridor, the authors propose a taxonomic classification of soils of Linze zone in the Hexi corridor, in which all the soils are divided into 4 soil orders(Anthrosols, Aridisols, Gleysols and Cambisols), 4 soil suborders , 5 soil groups and 8 soil subgroups.


Soil degradation includes a complicated process of structural degradation, a loss of soil-water capacity and soil infertility which in turn induces the deterioration of the retentions of soil water, nutrients dissolved in water and airs in soil voids, which directly inffluece the growth of plants and crops.


1The soil water c haracteristic curves of four soil layers in this soil were consistent. The satur ated water content, field capacity, wilting coefficient and available water capa city decreased from top soil to bottom in soil profile.(2)The unsaturated hydra ulic conductivity was significant relation with the negative pressure head in ex ponential function and tended to stable when the negative...

土壤的饱和含水量、田间持水量、凋萎系数和土壤有效水的含量均从土壤上层到下层呈降低的趋势;土壤的非饱和导水率与负压水头之间呈负相关的指数曲线变化,当负压水头达到 10 k Pa时,非饱和导水率降低到最小值,且基本趋于稳定;非饱和土壤水扩散率变化于 1.1× 10 - 3~ 1.886× 10 - 3cm2 / min之间,非饱和土壤水扩散率随含水量也呈指数曲线变化。

Saturated soil water content, field water capacity and wilting coefficient of all the three parent material purple soil also reduces from top to bottom in the soil profile, but effective water content increases from top to bottom in the soil profile except the layer B of J_(3S). The result of saturated soil water content, field water capacity and wilting coefficient is J_(3P)>J_(2S)>J_(3S), and the result of effective water content is J_(2S)>J_(3P)>J_(3S).


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Soil To The Sun
Red Soil
As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
This Mortal Soil
Soil, Soil

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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