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与 soil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result showed that Wote and PAM increased the average temperature of the earth's surface, temperatures of 10cm soil, 20cm soil and the lowest temperature of the earth's surface, but reduced the highest temperature of the earth's surface in reviving phase. Soil moisture was increased by using Wote and PAM, and the soil moisture of 0-30cm soil in florescence and fruiting phase was also increased.


On the safe side, we should use active soil pressure and passive soil pressure to calculate the support strength before T increased. That is RA=EA-EP Among them: RA ………… holding strength EA ………… composite force of active soil pressure EP ………… composite force of passive soil pressure Immediately, flexural torque distribution of enclosure wall can be counted. Mmax is the location of shear force zero. Equivalence beam method abridges. No matter which kind of supporting structure form, the key problem lies in the establishment depth of catch point, severity of support and enclosure wall, penetration depth and pit bottom quality of soil property.

单道锚杆支护结构计算分别采用静力平衡法及等值梁法,根据试算法插入深度t值需先进行假定墙的插入深度确定后来计算支撑力,为了安全起见,可按插入深度增大前的主动与被动土压力合力计算支撑力即 RA=EA-EP 式中:RA …………支撑力 EA …………主动土压力合力 EP …………被动土压力合力随之可求围护墙的弯矩分布,Mmax为剪力为零点的位置,等值梁法的计算略述。

In sunny day case,when the soil was relatively moist,5 cm soil was moister than 10 cm soil;when the soil was relatively dry,the shallower soil was drier than the deeper in all the day.

晴天个例中,土壤湿度较大时,5 cm土壤在白天比10 cm的湿润;当土壤较为干燥时,全天浅层土壤湿度都小于较深层的。

This research was based on mechanism that organic material has reconditions action on soil pollution. We chose yellow soil and calcareous soil in Guizhou province, peat coal and gentle breeze coal were added into simulated high fluorine polluted soil to study the effect of organic material on soil soluble fluorine content using the qualified design.


On the basis of the analysis of physicochemical properties of soil, analyzes variance characters of soil physical properties and nutrient properties in different land use ways and slope locations in the western edge mountains of Sichuan basin, and the results indicate that, in the respect of soil physical properties, it is either the soil structure coefficient or the degree of aggregation that is contained in farm land is obviously less than that is contained in reforested land and waste land, and because of the effects that forest crop root system and forest floor take, the soil physical properties of forest plantation is far better.


It studies prevention of soil erosion and land desertification, improvement of salinized soil, swamping soil, and degraded soil, restoration of contaminated soil, protection and utilization of arable land, and intensive use of land.


The dynamics equations of soil water vaporizing and ammonia volatilizing hcluding the factors of water and temperature, and the dynamics-like equation of urea transforming into ammonium nitrogen in soil are founded in the paper, by taking the effect of interaction of water and temperature as subject, the dynamic change character of object studied as basis and using principle of chemical dynamic; The empirio-equations of soil water retention curve including temperature and the empirio-equations including temperature between water potential of millet seedling leaves and soil water are founded in order to make the equation of relation between water potential and water content in soil suit the demand of temperature change much better.


The dynamics equations of soil water vaporizing and ammonia volatilizing hcluding the factors of water and temperature, and the dynamics-like equation of urea transforming into ammonium nitrogen in soil are founded in the paper, by taking the effect of interaction of water and temperature as subject, the dynamic change character of object studied as basis and using principle of chemical dynamic; The empirio-equations of soil water retention curve including temperature and the empirio-equations including temperature between water potential of millet seedling leaves and soil water are founded in order to make the equation of relation between water potential and water content in soil suit the demand of temperature change much better.


Experiments of bioremediation and control were conducted with the alkali meadow grass planted in saline soil for 3 years. Contrasted with control group, topsoil desalination rate was up to 77.00%; pH value decreased 0.25 pH unit; soil bulk density decreased 0.14 g/m^3; total porosity increased by 5.29%; soil aggregate structure increased by 23.14%; soil water content increased 70.30 g/kg; average triennial alkali grass yield was 36000 kg/hm^2. In addition, planting forage in saline soil as a medium and establishing a compound agro-forestry-animal system promoted the sound combination of planting industry, forestry, and livestock husbandry. Because of the reasons, utilization ratio of land reached more than 184.00%; the income of land increased from 16300 to 35500 yuan/hm^2 average income per farmer in the controlling region increased by 66.00%, from 2160.70 to 1300.80 yuan.

生物修复与调控试验研究表明,草甸盐土经种植碱茅草3a,耕层土壤与对照相比脱盐率达77.00%,pH值下降了0.25个单位,容重降低0.14g/立方公尺,总孔隙度增加5.29%,团粒结构增加了23.14%,自然含水量增加70.30g/kg.3年生碱茅草平均产草量36000 kg/hm^2;盐化耕地采用以种植牧草为中介,将种植业与农区林业、畜牧业有机结合成互相依存,互相促进的农林牧复合生物系统治理后,土地利用率可达184.00%以上,可获得16300~35500元/hm^2的经济收入,治理区农户人均纯收入由1300.80元增加到2160.70元,增加了66.00%。

Firstly ,based on soil water conditions,water balance methods including the method of soil water balance and Zero Flux Plane areused ot simulate the soil water balance medel of the district researched ,and analyze the distribution of soil matric potentials and soil water content of different deep,then the models quantities are made discrete and Fortran programs are designed and implemented to calculate the crop water requirements.

首先,从土壤水分供水状况因素考虑,采用水量平衡方法,它包括大田水量平衡和零通量方法,模拟研究区大田水量平衡模型,分析研究区不同深度土壤水势和土壤含水量的分布。在此基础上,对平衡模型进行数值离散化,并通过 Fortran 语言编程计算作物需水量。

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Soil To The Sun
Red Soil
As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
This Mortal Soil
Soil, Soil

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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