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与 soil 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The infrared spectra of latosol and red soil fall into the kaolinite spectrum. On the other hand, the infrared spectra of yellow brown soil, lou soil, heilu soil, loessal soil fall into the montmorillonite spectrum.


In 0~20 cm soil layer, there is a considerable effect of herb plant root system on soil anti-shearing strength. Soil anti-shearing intensity (15.33 kPa) by Medicagosativais highest. Particularly in the 20~40 cm soil layer, Melilotus officinalisand M. sativacan drastically enhance soil anti-shearing strength.

试验表明,在0~20 cm土层4种草本植物根系均可显著增加土壤抗剪切强度,其中紫花苜蓿根系对土壤抗剪切强度的增强作用最大,其增大土壤抗剪切强度值为15.33 kPa;草木樨和紫花苜蓿根系在20~40 cm土层也能明显增大土壤抗剪切强度。

Carposina, Navicula caterpillars, flat postornata, soil pests such as mole cricket, can they turn to land the ground froze to death;also bollworm damage, stick insects, sawfly wheat, locust pupae Room nests, etc., to prevent its emergence or incubation in order to better carry out Overwintering insects buried in the 10 ~ 15 cm layer, it should be frozen in the soil before or early spring, while the pests,"sleep" when the Land20 ~ 30 cm, so that exposure of adults or pupae on the ground was frozen to death or birds pecking; such loose soil can also help the soil ripening, and enhance the permeability of soil.


160 Cm soil layers by soil drill and Nmin concentrations in the soil were measured by flow analysis after CaCl2 extraction. The results showed that NO3--N is the major inorganic nitrogen form in orthic anthrosol soil, and there are no significant differences in soil Nmin accumulation between sole cropping and faba bean/maize intercropping at the co-growth stage.

在田间条件下于2006—2007年研究了不同氮水平下(N 0、75、150、225、300 kg/hm2)蚕豆/玉米间作体系与其相应单作体系土壤无机氮的时空分布规律,旨在为河西走廊灌区蚕豆/玉米间作体系的氮素管理提供理论依据。

The increased amount of non--exchangeable NH4^+-N during the incubation indicated as the following tendency, namely, Eum-Orthic Anthrosols 〉 Los - Orthic Entisols 〉 Hap-Ustic Isohumisols 〉 Ust-Sandiic Entisols. Organic material influenced significantly the increased amount of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N (P was 0.0002, 0.0004 and 0.0003 when incubated at 20 d, 50 d and 60 d, respectively). NH4^+-N increased remarkably when Stlpa bungeana and Medicago sativa were added compared with no addition. The contents of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N increased significantly when added (NH4)2SO4 compared without addition at 20 d, 40 d and 60d of incubation and P was 0.0037, 0.0033 and 0.0027, respectively. It was the result that the NH4^+-N from (NH4)2 SO4 was fixed within the soil. The increased amount of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N increased significantly for different soils, on which different vegetation types grew before the collection of soil samples, when incubated at 20 d (P=0.0434), but not significantly at 40 d and 60d (P=0.7378 and 0.5375). The increased amount of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N in the soil, on which crop straw and nitrogen fertilizer had been incorporated for a long-term period, was larger than that of no addition, but it was not significantly different among these two fertilization models. Soil clay, total N and organic matter were positively correlated remarkably with the contents of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N, the increased amount of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N had no correlation with soil clay, whereas it had significantly positive correlation with total N and organic matter.


The max value of the spatial heterogeneity grade were decrease according to the increase of decay degree of stump in the gap with stump.(4) The result showed by studing the season change of soil respiration in a conifer-broadleave forest after select cutting in Xiaoxingan Amount,soil respiration presenced the well season change after select cutting.The soil surface CO_2 flux has good correlated with soil temperature and soil moisture.


Analysis on benefit and loss of soil and water conservation for construction projects, means that according to the request of scientific development view, harmonious society and the person and nature get along harmonious, Studying thoroughly on the benefit and loss of soil and water conservation of construction projects, exploring and establishing appraisal index system of soil and water conservation. Analyzing and appraising the benefit and loss of soil and water conservation for construction projects qualitatively, quotably, comprehensively, systematically and scientifically. It can provide the scientific basis for technical demonstration and administrative examination for soil and water conservation scheme.


Applying desulphurization by-product properly can reduce soil bulk density, improve soil structure, increase soil permeability and improve the physical properties of soil moisture, reduce pH, ESP, TDS and improve the sodic soil physical and chemical properties.


In the dissertation,Guizhou Province andGuiyang.Guizhou Province were selected as the research area and the model region.With theguidance of knowledge discover in database and soil erosion theory,remote sensing and GISwere used to study the senior and the primary method of obtaining the soil erosion message,which are based on unstructural knowledge discover in database.All the methods wereapplied to survey the soil erosion in Guizhou and to monitor the soil erosion change inGuiyang,all of the achievements enhanced the water-soil conservation in the research areaand the model region.


Better numerical prediction of the distributions of shear forces and bend moment within the pile group has also been obtained with the consideration of many stochastic parameters such as the soil properties of sea warf, seismic properties, etc. And then we analyze the dynamic nonlinear seismic pile-soil interaction in sea warf as an example to apply the software of ANSYS to the assessment of the dynamic interaction of soil-structure in the harsh situation of random earthquake. And then we denoted that the soil-pile interaction is too difficult to be expressed in equations because the non-linear interaction between soil and pile.


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Soil To The Sun
Red Soil
As Holy As The Soil (That Buries Your Skin)
This Mortal Soil
Soil, Soil

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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