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softe of brain相关的网络例句

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Campana, said the four experienced beyond the medical profession is expected to experience, they should not have the brains to keep sane when the process and the ability to form lasting memories, so the study may provide a problem for the following The answer, it is mind and the brain made sense of what is the outcome of, or the brain is just some kind of mental medium, while the mind is independent of what exists outside the brain.


Specifically when operating Go/No go tasks,the brain blood flow in the areas of anterior cingulated cortex,the medial prefrontal,lateral inferior frontal gyrus and corpus callosum rise dramatically,which implies that deficiency may exist in the functions of these parts of the brain,and depressed patients among college students have the problem of behavioral inhibition in the cognitive aspect, which is connected with certain parts of the brain mechanism.

更多数图谱数据分析方法,发现抑郁症组和正常组间存在相应脑区局部脑血流的显著变化,具体体现在执行Go/No go任务时,前扣带回和前额内侧、额下回外侧和胼胝体区域内的脑血流显著升高,提示这些部位的脑功能可能存在功能性改变,说明抑郁症大学生在认知方面存在行为抑制,而且该问题与特定部位的脑机制有关。

Methods①The animal model of braincontusion caused by free drop hammer was established.②The injuredtissue of rat brain were stained by TUNEL for apoptosis,immunohistochemistry for Caspase-3 and Feulgen"s for DNA. Image analysistechnique and the statistical method were employed to explorate thetemporal changes of injury time.③The DNA was extracted from ratcontusive tissue of brain and assayed by gel electrophoresis toinvestigate the relationship between the DNA fragmentation and injurytime.④One handred and seventeen cases of death from traumatic braininjury were retrospective researched to investigate the characteristicof TBI in forensic medicine.⑤The contusive tissue of human brain werestained by TUNEL, Caspase-3 immunohistochemistry and Feulgen"s methodsin the same way to analyze and disclose the linear relationship betweentemporal changes with injury time.

方法①建立大鼠自由落体打击脑损伤模型;②对不同损伤时间组的大鼠脑挫伤组织进行TUNEL、Caspase-3免疫组化、Feulgen's DNA染色,结合图像分析技术和统计学分析,探讨脑挫伤后神经细胞凋亡、DNA片段化和含量的时序性变化;③提取大鼠脑挫伤组织DNA进行琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析,观察DNA片段化随损伤时间的变化特点;④对117例颅脑损伤致死案例进行回顾性分析,探讨其法医学特点;⑤选择不同损伤时间的人脑挫伤组织同样进行TUNEL、Caspase-3免疫组化、Feulgen's DNA染色和分析,观察上述指标与损伤时间的关系。

After controlsomatosympathetic reflex responses were obtained, midazolamwas administered IV to four groups of randomly allocated catsas follows: brain-intact cats at a dose of 0.03 mg/kg, brain-intactcats at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg, brain-intact cats at a dose of0.5 mg/kg, and decerebrate cats at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg.

控制下的体-交感反射产生后,我们把猫随机分成四组,分别静脉注射如下剂量的咪唑安定:大脑完整的猫注射剂量分别为0.03mg/kg 、 0.1mg/kg 、0.5mg/kg;去大脑的猫注射剂量为0.1mg/kg。

We collected normal brain tissues from 10 patients who underwent decompressive surgery because of brain injury. The expression of CENP-F was detected by RT-PCR and immunohistochemical staining respectively in normal brain tissues, and these were used as control for the CENP-F expression.


Week. Conclusions The S1 area brain glioma model established by this method in rats had the same characters as human brain glioma. The tumor growth period was short and the subsisting period was stable without extracerebral metastasis and extracranial extension. This model is suitable for laboratory and treatment study of brain gliomas.


Methods The rat models of diffuse brain injury were established by Marmarou's method. Real-time quantitative PCR, immunohistochemistry, dry-wet weight method, histological techniques and haematoxylin and eosin stain were used to detect expression of ICAM-1, the change of mRNA at different time phases, water containing in the brain tissue and the inflammatory infiltration respectively after diffuse brain injury.


The steps are as the following:1、Preparing the cerebrospinal fluid one hour before the experiment,take some of them for cryopreservation;2、Without paralyse,cuting down the rat head quickly and dislodge the hippocamp part which is used in the experment in freezing liquid,and trim the hippocamp distrct.3、Fixing the hippocamp tissue on the vibratome,to cut down a brain slice with 300μm,use the haustorial tube to move the slice to the preincubate dish,cultivanting it for one hour.Then move it to the record incubation chamfer.4、Preparing the glass micloelectrode and fill it with NaCl,the corcentation is 3mol/L.5、adjusting the recorder,after cultivate the brain slice in the incubation chamfer for 2 hours,the expermentize can be gone on.6、In order to ensure the accurate of the experimental result,use only one medicine concentration for one brain slice in every experiment.

本实验研究方法是:1、实验前1小时配制好所需脑脊液并充以95% O2和5% CO2的混合气,取小部分冷冻保存;2、在乙醚麻醉下,快速断头并在冷冻液里取出包含海马的大脑部位,修整出所需海马区;3、将海马组织固定于振动切片机上切出300μm厚的海马脑片,用广口吸管转移至预孵育皿培养一小时,后再转移到记录用孵育槽内;4、拉制好玻璃微电极,并充以3mol/L的NaCl;5、调试好记录仪器,将脑片在孵育槽内培养2小时后进行实验;6、为了保证实验结果的准确性,每一块脑薄片只进行一个浓度的药品实验。

Of 11 cases of edema had diffusive uneven SCC lesions. 1 case of edema had single midline oval lesion of splenium. The brain lesions of edema were incontinuous. In follow-up MRI of 5 cases of brain edema, the lesions were disappeared. In 3 cases of cerebral infarct, the lesions of SCC and brain were lateral distribution. 2 cases of hemorrhagic disease had diffusive uneven lesions in SCC and ventricle.


Results: among 69 cases, 15 cases stageⅰ, 40 cases stage ⅱand 14 cases stage ⅲ. mr can display abnormal signal of tuberculous meningitis in each stage, particularlymr enhancement scan, which present obviously miliary nodus in the brain and the thickened leptomeninges. miliary nodus of the brain was located mostly frequently at the junctional area of white and gray matter, and the thickened leptomeninges were mostly at the bottom of the brain.


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Brain Shake
Start Your Brain
Kill The Rock
A Minor Groove
Right Side Of My Brain
All Day
Trip At The Brain
If You're Not With Us You Are Against Us

" I' d like to get some rough idea about music in the baroque ear, please."


The results showed that the peak latency and pattern of SEPs elicited by electrical needling in LI-l1 and MP were similar. The amplitude of SEPs elicited by electrical needling in LI-l1 was higher than that of MP. There was no obvious SEPs generation when MM was electrical needling.


Mom and Dad better bone up on these not so ordinary competitions like polo, yachting and synchronized swimming!
