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sodium hydroxide相关的网络例句

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与 sodium hydroxide 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As one of the main products of chorine alkali industry, sodium hydroxide is of exceedingly significance.


In this artical,the yeast was modified with several chenical methods such as acidification and dried at different temperature,the acetone processing,sodium hydroxide processing,esterification and cover up the amidogen,and studied it to adsorb the copper ions .


PAN-based carbon fibers were modified by electrochemical treatment using phosphoric acid, sodium hydroxide and ammonium acid carbonate as electrolyte respectively.


After homogenate and centrifugation, the fat existing in liver was removed by diethyl ether. Then, the pH of the remaining aqueous layer was adjusted to 11.6 and clenbutamol was extracted using diethyl ether. The mobile phase component A was 50mmol/L phosphoric acid – 30mmol/L triethylamine and the pH was adjusted to 4.0 with 2mol/L sodium hydroxide.


Results Under normal production conditions, concentration of sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, arsenic hydrogen and sodium hydroxide which could cause occupational hazardous accidents met the occupational exposure limits.

结果 在正常的生产条件下引起职业病危害事故的硫酸、盐酸、砷化氢和氢氧化钠的浓度符合职业接触限值。

Add 1 drop of phenolphthalein* indicator and titrate with the sodium hydroxide solution from a 10 mL buret.(tolerance ±0.02 mL). On the lower end of the buret attacha disposable 1-200 L plastic tip.

加入1滴酚酞*指示剂,用装在10 mL滴定管的氢氧化钠溶液滴定(公差±0.02 mL)在滴定管的末端附加一个即用即弃的1-200 L 的塑胶头。

Add 1 drop of phenolphthalein* indicator and titrate using a 10 mL buret filled with standardized 0.05 M sodium hydroxide solution (available from the automatic buret, record the actual concentration). Attach a plastic tip to the end

加1滴酚酞*指示剂,然后用刻度为10 mL的,已充满0.05M标准氢氧化钠溶液的滴定管进行滴定(也可以用自动滴定管,记录实际的浓度)在滴定管的未端装上一个塑料尖嘴plastic

Loofa obtained from traditional market was cut into approximate 1 cm in length and then treated with 1 N sodium hydroxide at 85 oC for 4 hours. The pulp like suspension was bleached by 25 % sodium hypochloride until the fiber turned colorless and the pulp was washed by distilled water to remove excess hypochlorite. The white pulp was again filtered and lyophilized to make into a paper-like membrane.

将购自传统市场之菜瓜布,裁剪出大约1公分长之纤维,再於浓度1 N的氢氧化钠之溶液加热至85 ℃处理4小时,以25 %之漂白水将此纸浆状之悬浮液漂白,使其纤维褪色后再以蒸馏水清洗以去除次氯酸盐,最后将此白色悬浮液过滤及冷冻乾燥,制成纸状的薄膜。

Light oil 2,000 yuan / ton; ferrocene 28000 yuan / ton; DME 3,000 / ton; sodium hydroxide 2600 yuan / ton; Mercaptans 18,000 yuan / ton; Flavor 36,000 yuan / ton; Light EPA [density 0.60-0.63] 2,500 yuan / ton; sodium carbonate 1,000 yuan / ton; hydrogen peroxide 1,000 yuan / ton; xylene 4200 yuan / ton; potassium permanganate 5800 yuan / ton; petroleum ether 3,500 yuan / ton; naphtha 2900 yuan / ton; ethanol 2800 yuan / ton; dry gas 4100 yuan / ton; butane 2,500 yuan / ton; acetone 4400 yuan / ton; hydroquinone 18,000 yuan / ton; natural gas (6 gauge) 3850 yuan / ton; gasoline 97 # 3,500 yuan / ton; gasoline 93 # 3,100 yuan / ton; gasoline 90 # 2900 yuan / ton; diesel 0 # 3200 yuan / ton;-10 # diesel 3,500 yuan / ton .


Alkyl balides react with sodium borohydride and selenium in the presence of solid sodium hydroxide to give dialkyl selenides in excellent yields.


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